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Displaying 1 - 50 of 66
Title Senate Committee Involvement Senate Involvement
Academic Appointments with Teaching Functions
  1. AF&T
  2. SCFA
  3. FCC
  4. PACC
  1. F Senate (info)
  2. P&A Senate (info)
Academic Credit for Undergraduate Courses Associated with Internship and Co-op Experiences: Twin Cities
  1. FCC
  2. SCEP
  1. F Senate (action)
Academic Unit Authority over the Curriculum and Major: Crookston, Morris, Rochester, Twin Cities
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  3. PACC
  1. F Senate (action)
  2. P&A Senate (info)
Academic Warning and Suspension for Undergraduate Students: Morris, Rochester, Twin Cities
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Adding, Changing, or Discontinuing Academic Plans
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  3. PACC
  1. F Senate (action)
  2. P&A Senate (info)
Admission for Master's and Doctoral Degrees
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Application of Credits for Students Earning Graduate Degrees
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Appointments as Director of Graduate Studies
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Appointments of Academic Professional and Administrative Employees
  1. SCFA
  2. FCC
  3. PACC
No University or Faculty Senate Review
Campus-Specific Credit Requirements for Undergraduate Degrees and Majors, Minors, and Certificates: Crookston, Morris, Rochester, Twin Cities
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Charging of Facilities and Administrative/Indirect Costs to Sponsored Projects
  1. SRC
  2. FCC
  3. PACC
  1. F Senate (info)
  2. P&A Senate (info)
Class Scheduling: Crookston, Morris, Rochester, Twin Cities
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Compensation for Academic Professional and Administrative Employees
  1. FCC
  2. PACC
  1. F Senate (info)
  2. P&A Senate (info)
Conducting Research with Human Embryos or Pluripotent Stem Cells
  1. SRC
  2. FCC
  3. PACC
  4. FACHS
  1. F Senate (info)
  2. P&A Senate (info)
Conflict Resolution for Faculty, P&A, Civil Service, and Student Workers
  1. SJC
  2. FCC
  3. PACC
  4. CSCC
  5. SSCC
  1. U Senate (info)
Copyright Ownership
  1. SRC
  2. SLC
  3. FCC
  4. PACC
  5. SAIC
  1. F Senate (action)
  2. P&A Senate (info)
  3. U Senate (info)
Course Credit and Numbering: Crookston, Morris, Rochester, Twin Cities
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Course Enrollment Limits and Cancellation: Crookston, Morris, Rochester, Twin Cities
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Creating and Evaluating Centers
  1. SRC
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (info)
Credit and Grade Point Requirements for an Undergraduate (Baccalaureate) Degree: Crookston, Morris, Rochester, Twin Cities
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Credit for Nationally Recognized Exams for Undergraduate Students: Crookston, Morris, Rochester, Twin Cities
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Credit Requirements for Master's and Doctoral Degrees
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Departmental Exams for Proficiency or Credit for Undergraduate Students: Crookston, Morris, Rochester, Twin Cities
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Directed Study, Directed Readings, and Directed Research Courses: Crookston, Morris, Rochester, Twin Cities
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Doctoral Degree: Completion
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Doctoral Degree: Performance Standards and Progress
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Educational Materials Conflict of Interest: Crookston, Morris, Rochester, Twin Cities
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Enrolling in Overlapping or Back-to-back Classes: Crookston, Morris, Rochester, Twin Cities
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Establishing, Enforcing, and Waiving Prerequisites: Crookston, Morris, Rochester, Twin Cities
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Evaluation of Teaching: Crookston, Morris, Rochester, Twin Cities
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Excused Absences and Makeup Work: Crookston, Morris, Rochester, Twin Cities
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Expected Time per Course Credit: Crookston, Morris, Rochester, Twin Cities
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Faculty Compensation: Morris, Rochester, Twin Cities
  1. SCFA
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Faculty Development Leaves
  1. SCFA
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Faculty Tenure: Crookston, Morris, Rochester, Twin Cities
  1. AF&T
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Grade Accountability: Crookston, Morris, Rochester, Twin Cities
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Grading and Transcripts: Crookston, Morris, Rochester, Twin Cities
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Graduate Advisor and Examination Committee Membership: Eligibility Requirements
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Holds on Records and Registration: Crookston, Morris, Rochester, Twin Cities
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Individual Conflicts of Interest and Standards Governing Relationships with Business Entities
  1. SCFA
  2. SRC
  3. FCC
  4. PACC
  5. CSCC
  1. U Senate (action) (Faculty and Staff Delegation)
Intercollegiate Athletic Events during Study Day and Finals Weeks: Twin Cities, Morris
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Leave of Absence and Readmission for Undergraduates: Crookston, Morris, Rochester, Twin Cities
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Leave of Absence and Reinstatement from a Leave: Graduate Students
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Maintaining Records of Student Work: Crookston, Morris, Rochester, Twin Cities
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Mandatory Attendance at First Class Session and Consequences for Absence: Crookston, Morris, Rochester, Twin Cities
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Master's Degree: Completion
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Master's Degree: Performance Standards and Progress
  1. SCEP
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Modifying Appointments of Academic Professional and Academic Administrative Employees for Financial Stringency or Financial Urgency
  1. FCC
  2. PACC
  1. F Senate (info)
  2. P&A Senate (info)
Open Access to Scholarly Articles
  1. SRC
  2. SLC
  3. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Performance Management for Academic Professional and Administrative Employees
  1. FCC
  2. PACC
  1. F Senate (info)
  2. P&A Senate (info)