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Policy Statement
The employee group, academic professional and administrative (P&A), is comprised of three subgroups under which appointments are made: academic professional, academic administrative, and professional-in-training. For typical authorities/responsibilities and degree/experience requirements and preferences, refer to Appendix: P&A Employee Appointment Summary Chart - Authorities/Responsibilities and Degree/Experience Descriptors.
Academic Professional and Academic Administrative Appointments
Responsible administrators may classify a position as academic professional or academic administrative (P&A) when the position meets all or most of these core criteria:
- Is responsible for academic programs, personnel, and academic support units;
- Provides high level support to major system and campus administrators (those positions may include responsibilities for nonacademic functions);
- Is a senior leader or other high-level leader or reports directly to one of these leaders;
- Holds a high level of decision making, discretionary authority, span of control, and consequence for the University on a system, campus, or college/administrative unit basis;
- Deals with academic constituencies;
- Requires at a minimum, a baccalaureate degree. Exception to this requirement is given only under very rare circumstances and requires approval from the vice president of human resources.
- Requires advanced preparation (knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience relevant to the position) of the employee.
For detailed information about academic professional appointments, refer to Appendix: Academic Professional Class Series, Job Codes, Titles, Appointment Types, and Promotions. For specific information related to professional probationary (H) and continuous appointments, refer to Appendices: Administrative Guidelines, Criteria, and Procedures for Review of Probationary (H) Academic Professionals Considered for Continuous (G) Appointment and Information for the Probationary (H) Academic Professional Candidate Being Reviewed for Continuous (G) Appointment.
For detailed information about administrative appointments, refer to Appendix: Academic Administrative Appointments - Class Series, Job Codes, Titles, Appointment Types, and Promotions.
Responsible administrators must establish a pay rate at time of hire that is consistent with the established base pay minimums. Increases to compensation may be based on merit, internal equity, external market competitiveness, and promotions. The increases are subject to the parameters provided for in the University’s annual budget process.
The Board of Regents (Board) approves the fringe benefits for academic professionals and academic administrators. These sub-categories of P&A employees are eligible for the same fringe benefits, including medical, dental, life, disability insurance, retirement, and academic tuition benefits, as are provided to the faculty.
Professionals-in-Training Appointments
Responsible administrators may classify a position as a professional-in-training position when the position meets these criteria:
- Is an internship or residency or a position where further training is sought in the individual's disciplinary field; the employee is typically involved in research and/or teaching;
- Is limited in duration; and
- Requires an advanced degree.
For detailed information about professionals-in-training, refer to Appendix: Academic Professional-in-Training Appointments - Class Series, Job Codes, Titles, and Appointment Types.
Where appropriate, compensation is governed by the annual salary plan approved by the Board, and in some instances set annually by the college, in accordance with the type of appointment.
Responsible administrators must establish an initial pay rate at time of hire that is consistent with the established base pay minimums. Responsible administrators may give pay increases annually, generally at the start of each fiscal or academic year as appropriate. The increases are subject to the parameters provided for in the University’s annual budget process. Fringe Benefits are received as defined by the particular appointment and in keeping with specific eligibility requirements. For more detailed information regarding fringe benefits, refer to the specific Job Classification Description.
Classification and Additional Appointment Information
See Job Classification Descriptions for generic job descriptions of specific P&A classifications. For a complete listing, refer to Academic Job Codes and Titles at Job Families and Salary Ranges (Expand Job Family Structure). For information covering concurrent appointments, promotions, changes in appointment type, correcting a class title, adding a second official University title, designating a courtesy title, position title, and a change of employee groups, refer to Appendix: Additional Appointment Information pertaining to Academic Professionals and Academic Administrators.
Coverage under this policy does not include faculty, civil service, union-represented staff, graduate assistant, and student appointments. Academic non-employee appointments are also not covered.
Reason for Policy
This policy implements Board of Regents Policy: Employee Group Definitions. By resolution of Board of Regents in December of 1980, the academic professional and administrative (P&A) employee group was established. In accordance with this resolution, the terms and conditions of appointments within the P&A group are defined within this policy.