Table of Contents
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An academic position is comprised of a collection of responsibilities or job duties assigned to an individual and which when taken together, describe a major purpose of that job. Each position is to fit within a particular classification. A classification is a grouping that typically includes positions of sufficiently similar mix or range of responsibilities or job duties. Each official classification has both a title and a corresponding job code number. Each official classification carries with it a description. This generic description encompasses a collection of sufficiently similar mix or range of responsibilities or job duties that describes the classification.
Class Series: Selected 95xx job codes to include: 9516, 9535, 9538-9540, 9545, 9546, 9548, 9549, and 9552-9559
Job Codes/Titles:Refer to Academic Job Codes and Titles (PDF) for a complete listing of professionals-in-training job codes and titles.
Appointment Types:
Y - Number of Years Restricted
Number of Years Restricted (Y)
- Definition: Restricted (Y) appointments are to be used for all persons appointed to 95xx job codes. These are annually renewable. The number of years a person can be appointed to a 95xx job code is generally five years or less. Generic classification descriptions may define more specific limitations as to the length of time such an appointment may be held. (Refer to Job Classification search.)
- Appointment Documentation: Professionals-in-training may remain in their appointments for a limited number of years as described in the respective generic classification description. These employees should be given an annual appointment letter/contract with the appropriate beginning and ending dates for the year. Because these appointments are not long term, they are not eligible for a pre-defined length of nonrenewal notice period or for selected other benefits. Refer to the generic classification description for links to policy and benefit related information. (Refer to Job Classification search.)
- Early Termination of Appointment: Professionals-in-training may not have their employment contract terminated prior to the end in their letter of appointment/contract, except for reasons of fiscal emergency declared by the Board of Regents, program curtailment, or just cause.
Due to the nature and appointment limitations of professionals-in-training positions, promotion within this sub-group is not available.