Recently Updated Policies

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Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time
Last Revised Revision Description

In the last legislative session, several updates were made to ESST. As a result, there are a few changes that need to be made to the ESST policy to comply with the law. As the changes to the law are already in effect.

Business Expenses
Last Revised Revision Description

Minor revision. Meal and flower limits raised.

Hospitality and Entertainment of Non-Employees
Last Revised Revision Description

Minor revision - meal and flower limits.

Excused Absences and Makeup Work: Crookston, Morris, Rochester, Twin Cities
Last Revised Revision Description

Comprehensive Review. Minor revisions.

  • Rename to “Excused Absences and Makeup Work” and removed references to "legitimate"
  • Added guiding principles.
  • Removed reference to "single episode medical absence" in response to the documentation for medical absences being a self-report form (Health centers across the system are not providing absence notes to
  • Updated list of excused circumstances to reflect feedback received during consultation.
  • Removed specific reference to voting as not being an excused absence; added FAQ about voting.
  • Updated policy statement to include reference to excused absences.
  • Added a reference to the “travel” letter for student athletes in Makeup Work 2.b.
  • Consistently referred to Disability Resource Centers as DR/C.
  • Reworded Excused Circumstances
  • Revised and reorganized the FAQs into categories for searchability