University of Minnesota  Administrative Policy

Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time

Policy Statement

The University provides Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time to eligible employees in accordance with statutory requirements. This paid time off benefit is available in addition to any other paid time off benefits that the employee may be eligible to receive.

Use of Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time

Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time may be used to provide paid time off for the following purposes:

  1. An employee's:
    1. mental or physical illness, injury, or other health condition;
    2. need for medical diagnosis, care, or treatment of a mental or physical illness, injury, or health condition; or
    3. need for preventive medical or health care.
  2. An employee’s care of a family member:
    1. with a mental or physical illness, injury, or other health condition;
    2. who needs medical diagnosis, care, or treatment of a mental or physical illness, injury, or other health condition; or
    3. who needs preventive medical or health care.
  3. An employee’s absence due to domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking of the employee or employee's family member, provided the absence is to:
    1. seek medical attention related to physical or psychological injury or disability caused by domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking;
    2. obtain services from a victim services organization;
    3. obtain psychological or other counseling;
    4. seek relocation or take steps to secure an existing home due to domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking; or
    5. seek legal advice or take legal action, including preparing for or participating in any civil or criminal legal proceeding related to or resulting from domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking.
  4. The University’s announcement of a closure or reduced operations due to weather or other public emergency, under the Administrative Policy: Campus and Building Closing, if as a consequence of the announcement an employee is unable to work; or an employee's need to care for a family member whose school or place of care has been closed due to weather or other public emergency.
  5. An employee's inability to work during a declared public emergency because the employee is:
    1. prohibited from working by the employer due to health concerns related to the potential transmission of a communicable illness related to the public emergency; or
    2. seeking or awaiting the results of a diagnostic test for, or a medical diagnosis of, a communicable disease related to the public emergency, and such employee has been exposed to a communicable disease or the employee's employer has requested a test or diagnosis.
  6. When health authorities having jurisdiction, or healthcare professionals, determine that the presence of an employee or their family member in the community would jeopardize the health of others, because of the exposure of the employee or their family member to a communicable disease.
  7. An employee’s absence due to the need to make funeral arrangements, attend a funeral service or memorial, or address financial or legal matters that arise after the death of a family member.

Eligibility for Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time

All employees who work for a wage or salary, including temporary and casual employees, student workers, and professionals in training, are eligible for Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time if they are anticipated to work at least 80 hours in a calendar year. An employee’s eligibility for Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time is independent of their eligibility for any other form of paid leave provided by the University, whether such leave is provided under a University policy, the Civil Service Employment Rules, or a collective bargaining agreement. In cases where more than one type of paid time off is available for the same reason, the employee may choose which type of paid time off to submit, subject to the provisions that apply under the applicable policy, rule, or collective bargaining agreement.

When an employee uses Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time for a reason also covered under the Administrative Policy: Family and Medical - FMLA Leave, Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time will run concurrently with Family and Medical Leave.

Employees are eligible to use Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time only to cover time when they would otherwise be expected to perform work. In determining whether an employee is expected to perform work at a specific time, supervisors may not take into consideration an employee’s eligibility to use Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time.

Accrual of Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time

Eligible employees are entitled to accrue 2 minutes of Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time for every hour worked, up to a maximum of 48 hours per calendar year. Up to 80 hours of accrued but unused Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time will be carried over to the next calendar year. Whenever a balance of 80 hours is reached, accruals of Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time will stop until the balance drops below 80 hours. At that time, the employee will be eligible for additional accruals up to the maximum of 48 hours in a calendar year and 80 hours total.

Termination and Reinstatement

Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time hours have no cash value except when used to cover a qualifying absence, and any accrued but unused hours are not paid out under any circumstances upon the employee’s termination of employment. If the employee returns to work for the University within 180 calendar days of their termination, any previously earned but unused Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time shall be reinstated, and the employee shall be entitled to use the reinstated balance and accrue additional Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time upon their return.

Notice Required

If the need to use Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time is foreseeable at least seven days in advance, the employee must provide at least seven days' advance notice to their immediate supervisor. If the need is unforeseeable, the employee must give notice as soon as practicable.


When an employee uses Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time for more than three consecutive scheduled work days, documentation may be required as described below:

  1. For Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time needed for reasons numbered 1, 2, 5 and 6, reasonable documentation may include:
    1. a signed statement by a health care professional indicating the need for it, or
    2. a written statement from the employee indicating that the employee is using or used it for one of the specific reasons numbered 1, 2, 5 and 6.
  2. For Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time needed for reason number 3, reasonable documentation includes a court record or documentation signed by a volunteer or employee of a victim services organization, an attorney, a police officer, or an anti violence counselor or a written statement from the employee indicating that the employee is using or used it for that reason.
  3. For Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time needed due to reason number 4, reasonable documentation includes a written statement from the employee indicating that the employee is using or used it for that reason.

Documentation must be provided in accordance with procedures established by the employee’s Campus, College, or Administrative Unit that are consistent with the requirements of this policy. When providing documentation in support of a request to use Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time, employees cannot be required to disclose the details relating to domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking, or the details of a medical condition.

At the employee’s option, documentation may be provided to designated human resources staff rather than the employee’s immediate supervisor to maintain confidentiality. Written statements by an employee may be written in the employee's first language and need not be notarized or in any particular format.

Protection from Adverse Action

An employee may not be disciplined or in any way retaliated against because the employee has used or attempted to use Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time under this policy. The use of Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time cannot be counted as an absence that may result in adverse action under an attendance policy or point system.

Reason for Policy

This policy implements the Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time Law (Minn. Stat. 181.9445 to 181.9448). The effective date of this policy is January 1, 2024.




Frequently Asked Questions

  1. I am an employee who lives outside of Minnesota, is ESST also available to me?

    The University will be expanding ESST to all eligible employees, regardless of their state of residence. A system update is in progress and is expected to be completed by June 30, 2024. Once updated, employees who live outside of Minnesota will be given ESST credit for any time worked since January 1, 2024. Any ESST accruals will appear in MyU.


Subject Contact Phone Email
General Information or Procedural Assistance
  • Primary: Responsible administrator/supervisor
  • Secondary: Local campus, college, or administrative unit HR administrator
  • Other (as needed): Office of Human Resources specialist or consultant
612-624-UOHR (8647); 800-756-2363 [email protected]
Document Processing Office of Human Resources Call Center 612-624-UOHR (8647) [email protected]
Responsible Individuals
Responsible Officer Policy Owner Primary Contact
  • Vice President, Office of Human Resources
  • Senior Director - Total Rewards
  • See Contacts Table above


Domestic abuse
“Domestic abuse” has the meaning given in Minn. Stat. 518B.01.
“Employee” means any person who is employed by the University, including as a temporary, part-time or student worker, anticipated to work at least 80 working hours in a year. “Employee” does not include an independent contractor or a person employed by the University who works less than 80 hours per year.
Family Member
“Family Member,” for the purposes of this policy, means:
  1. An employee's:
    1. child, foster child, adult child, legal ward, child for whom the employee is legal guardian, or child to whom the employee stands or stood in loco parentis;
    2. spouse or registered domestic partner;
    3. sibling, stepsibling, foster sibling, or person to whom the employee’s parents stood in loco parentis when the employee was a minor child;
    4. biological, adoptive, or foster parent, stepparent, or a person who stood in loco parentis when the employee was a minor child;
    5. grandchild, foster grandchild, or step grandchild;
    6. grandparent or step grandparent;
    7. a child of a sibling of the employee;
    8. a sibling of the parents of the employee; or
    9. a child-in-law or sibling-in-law.
  2. Any of the family members listed above of a spouse or registered domestic partner.
  3. Any other individual related by blood or whose close association with the employee is the equivalent of a family relationship.
  4. Up to one individual annually designated by the employee.
Health care professional
“Health care professional” means any person licensed, certified, or otherwise authorized under federal or state law to provide medical or emergency services, including physicians, physician assistants, nurses, advanced practice registered nurses, mental health professionals, and emergency room personnel.
Public Emergency
“Public Emergency” means a declared emergency as defined in Minn. Stat. 12.03 Subd. 1e. or a declared local emergency under Minn. Stat. 12.29.
Sexual assault
“Sexual assault” means an act that constitutes a violation under Minn. Stat. 609.342 to 609.3453 or 609.352.
“Stalking” has the meaning given in Minn. Stat. 609.749.
“Year” means a calendar year.


Department/Campus, College, or Administrative Unit
  • Establishes local procedures for managing and documenting Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time.
  • Arranges Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time usage with reasonable notice following departmental procedures.
  • Submits request for Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time in MyU prior to being taken or immediately following.
Responsible Administrator/Supervisor
  • Manages and approves Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time requests, as appropriate.
Office of Human Resources and Unit HR Administration
  • Ensures campus, college, or administrative unit compliance with policy and procedures.

Related Information


July 2024 - In the last legislative session, several updates were made to ESST. As a result, there are a few changes that need to be made to the ESST policy to comply with the law. As the changes to the law are already in effect.
March 2024 - Updates made in response to comments during review period.
January 1, 2024 - New Policy.

Key Points:

  1. This policy implements the Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time Law, which goes into effect January 1, 2024. The 30-day public comment period will extend beyond that, but we will note that this version of the policy goes into effect on 1/1/24, but any comments will still be considered and the policy may be amended.
  2. The statute is quite prescriptive regarding eligibility, accrual, and usage of safe and sick time; this policy incorporates those requirements.
  3. All employees who work 80+ hours in a year are eligible, regardless of job class.
  4. Accrued sick and safe time benefits have no cash value except to cover a qualifying absence.
  5. Existing system technology will be used to implement the sick and safe time.