Comprehensive Review: Quick Steps
1. Initial Steps
- Create Google Docs versions of the policy and related documents, turning Track Changes on. Make changes to these documents through each step of the process.
- Use our set of questions geared towards comprehensive reviews to identify potential areas for improvement.
- Share the policy with key constituents including end users/user groups and those involved with implementing the policy and ask those groups for feedback. Continue to engage with these groups as you propose changes to the policy in the remaining steps.
2. Consultation Committees
- Required: Forward the marked up policy and documents to Jessica Kuecker Grotjohn ([email protected]) and/or Amelious Whyte ([email protected]) of the Diversity Community of Practice for an equity lens review.
- Required: Determine if the policy must be consulted by a Senate policy review committee(s). If any Senate committee review is required, forward the marked up policy and documents to Jaclyn Adair ([email protected]) to get on a Senate committee agenda.
- Optional: Consult with any other standing related committees, system campus representatives, or any other population you think would provide useful feedback. For example, you may want to consult research policies with the Council of Research Associate Deans; graduate education policies with the Associate Deans for Graduate Education, and so on. Think broadly when determining your consulting audience and use the consultative process to get a review and reaction to your proposed policy updates.
3. Policy Advisory Committee and President’s Policy Committee
- Complete the comprehensive review form.
- When all the previous steps are complete, contact the University Policy Program Director Seth Beccard ([email protected]), who will schedule you on the agenda for a Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) meeting.
- For policies with no major changes, the PAC will be the final step for feedback during the consultation process. For any policies that are new, being retired, or that major changes proposed, the PAC will refer the policy to the President's Policy Committee (PPC) for review at their next quarterly meeting.