University of Minnesota  Appendix

Academic Administrative Appointments - Class Series, Job Codes, Titles, Appointment Types, and Promotions


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An academic position is comprised of a collection of responsibilities or job duties assigned to an individual and which when taken together, describe a major purpose of that job. Each position fits within a particular classification. A classification is a grouping that typically includes positions of sufficiently similar mix or range of responsibilities or job duties. Each official classification has both a title and a corresponding job code number. Of the numerous established classifications, two examples are 9707 (job code)/senior academic advisor (title), and 9333 (job code)/assistant director, university-wide (title). On occasion the position may warrant a position title used on a regular basis in conjunction with the classification title. This is an informal title, whereas the classification title is the official University title. An example of a position title might be "Speech Writer" with an official University classification of 9354 (job code)/coordinator (title). Each official classification carries with it a description. This generic description encompasses a collection of sufficiently similar mix or range of responsibilities or job duties that describes the classification.

Class Series: 93xx and 9631 – 9640 (University of Minnesota Extension Service) Class Job Codes/Titles: Refer to Job Families and Salary Ranges for a complete listing of academic administrative job codes and titles.

Appointment Types:

K – Annual Renewable Contract
J – Multiple Year Contract
M – Acting/Interim, Administrative Staff
L – Limited, Selected Senior Administrative Staff

Other appointment types that can be used with academic administrative job codes/titles:

Q – Annual Renewable, Additional Appointment (teaching)
R – Retired
X – Outside Term of Appointment Dates
0 – Other

Annual Renewable Contract (K)

  1. Definition: Annual renewable contract (K) appointments are granted on a yearly basis. They are date specific and can range for any period of time up to a full year in duration. These appointments are renewable each year upon review and approval of the responsible administrator. If no communication is received to the contrary, the appointment is automatically renewed for the same contract period.

Multiple Year Contract (J)

  1. Definition: Multiple year contract (J) appointments are date specific and made for a stipulated period of more than one year (e.g., 13 months, 2 years), not to exceed five years. Multiple year appointments are renewable at the end of each contract period at the discretion of the responsible administrator. If the appointment is renewed, the contract need not be renewed for the same number of years. Employees holding multiple year appointments must be provided with written notification near the end of their multiple year contract that defines the span of time covered in the next contract. The next contract may be changed to annual renewable or remain multiple year with the number of years up to five indicated. In the absence of any communication, the employee's contract is automatically renewed for the same number of years.

    Multiple year appointments may be particularly useful to enhance recruitment or retention and for certain positions where there is a high degree of stability. It is recommended that units develop internal guidelines that assist in determining when such appointments are appropriate and for what length of time.

  2. Probationary Period: An initial multiple year appointment given to a new hire may provide a probationary period of up to one fourth of the initial appointment period. For example, if an employee is given an initial multiple year (J) appointment of two years, the probationary period could be up to six months. At any time during this period the employee may be terminated without the right to grieve the termination. If such an evaluation period is used, the letter of appointment must state these terms. When a probationary period is used for a multiple year appointment, a review prior to the end of the defined period is required. This review can occur at any time throughout the probationary period with an option to terminate the employee. There is not a required length of termination notice for a person serving in a probationary period, but reasonableness should guide. If the employee is not terminated as a result of the probationary period review, the employee then is governed under the Administrative Policy: Nonrenewal of Appointment for Academic Professional and Administrative Employees and is entitled to a required notice period if the position is subsequently nonrenewed, provided eligibility requirements are met. If no review is held and no communication given, the employee is then under the Administrative Policy: Nonrenewal of Appointment for Academic Professional and Administrative Employees at the end of the probationary period.

Acting/Interim, Administrative Staff Appointment (M)

  1. Definition: Acting/interim (M) appointments identify administrators serving in an acting or interim capacity. The length of the appointment may be for a stipulated period of time or until the ongoing position is filled according to the Administrative Policy: Hiring Faculty and Staff. Generally, acting or interim appointments are for less than one year. An employee may retain the right to return to the position held before acceptance and completion of an acting/interim position.

Limited, Selected Senior Administrators (L)

  1. Definition: Limited appointments are a special category of administrative appointments to which many of the P&A provisions do not apply. Limited appointments may be made for persons who serve as college, campus or system-wide administrative officers and hold appointments in the administrative positions listed below. They carry responsibility for the organization, interpretation, and monitoring of policies, program directions, and budget at the highest levels in the University. Those employees on limited appointments serve solely at the discretion of the responsible authority, and the appointment may be ended at any time.
  2. Designated appointments: The following positions may be designated limited appointments:
    • President
    • Executive Vice President and Provost
    • Senior Vice President
    • Vice President
    • Associate Vice President
    • Assistant Vice President
    • Chancellor
    • Associate Chancellor
    • Assistant Chancellor
    • Vice Chancellor
    • Provost
    • Dean
    • Executive Director and Corporate Secretary to the Board of Regents
    • General Counsel
    • University Librarian
    • Chief of Staff, President's Office

    Other administrative positions in the 93xx administrative class series may be designated as limited by the Board of Regents, the president, vice presidents, or chancellors, at the time the position is posted, subject to the approval of the appropriate senior vice president.

  3. Terms and conditions: Terms and conditions of a limited (L) appointment:
    • Employees on limited appointments serve solely at the discretion of the responsible administrator.
    • Limited appointments may be terminated at any time without a requirement of establishing just cause.
    • Limited appointments carry no continuous or tenured appointment implications. An individual who holds a tenured faculty or continuous academic professional position may retain the right to resume that faculty or academic professional position upon acceptance and completion of a limited appointment.
    • Individuals holding tenure-track faculty or probationary academic professional positions may request that service during a limited appointment of two-thirds time or greater not be credited toward the maximum probationary period.
    • An individual whose initial appointment is limited (L) may concurrently receive a faculty appointment that is adjunct and that relates to teaching or professional practice. In this case, no transfer rights to a faculty appointment following the conclusion of a limited appointment are provided.
    • Salaries for limited appointments are negotiable. Further, they may be separate and distinct from the salary rates of pre-existing or concurrent positions under bullets 3, 4, and 5 above. Resumption of such a position does not require continuance of the salary level provided under the limited appointment.
    • The appointment period for an individual on a limited appointment must be specified in writing initially and upon renewal, but the appointment is subject to review and discontinuance at any time at the discretion of the responsible administrator.
    • Termination or nonrenewal of a limited appointment is not grievable.


No formal lines of promotion exist in the academic administrative class titles. However, certain academic administrative classifications permit consideration of promotion. An example is a move from an assistant to an associate title, e.g., assistant program director to associate program director. Minimum criteria on which such a promotion is based include assumption of different and/or more difficult duties with increased responsibility, and performance evaluated as outstanding. Longevity of service is not a valid criterion. The responsible administrator initiates this type of promotion and is accountable for providing appropriate justification. The approval process rests with the campus, college, or administrative unit. An increase in salary may be warranted and is given at the discretion of the responsible administrator.

In addition to the above, a promotion may occur in circumstances best described as an evolution of duties or responsibilities performed by an academic administrator holding a position not purposely designed to include the concept of 'promotion,' e.g., coordinator to director or director to assistant vice president. With appropriate consultation (unit human resources and Office of Human Resources) and written documentation, such promotions are permissible. The approval process rests with the campus, college, or administrative unit. An increase in salary may be warranted and is given at the discretion of the responsible administrator.