Table of Contents
Please use the contact section in the governing policy.
An academic position is comprised of a collection of responsibilities or job duties assigned to an individual and which when take n together, describe a major purpose of that job. Each position fits within a particular classification. A classification is a grouping that typically includes positions of sufficiently similar mix or range of responsibilities or job duties. Each official classification has both a title and a corresponding job code number. Of the numerous established classifications, two examples are 9707 (job code)/senior academic advisor (title), and 9333 (job code)/assistant director, university-wide (title). On occasion the position may warrant a position title used on a regular basis in conjunction with the classification title. This is an informal title, whereas the classification title is the official University title. An example of a position title might be "Speech Writer" with an official University classification of 9354 (job code)/coordinator (title). Each official classification carries with it a description. This generic description encompasses a collection of sufficiently similar mix or range of responsibilities or job duties that describes the classification.
Class Series:
97xx and 9621 – 9630 (University of Minnesota Extension Service)
Job Codes/Titles:
Refer to Job Families and Salary Ranges (Expand Job Family Structure) for a complete listing of academic professional job codes and titles.
Appointment Types:
K – Annual Renewable Contract
J – Multiple Year Contract
H – Probationary, Academic Professional Staff*
G – Continuous, Academic Professional Staff*
Z – Non-Credit Teaching/Other Professional Work
Other appointment types that can be used with academic professional job codes/titles:
Q – Annual Renewable, Additional Appointment (teaching)
R – Retired
X – Outside Term of Appointment Dates
0 – Other (e.g., courtesy title to document a degree of credit instructional responsibility)
*Exceptions: 9755 Research Specialist is not eligible for probationary/continuous appointment types. This class has restricted job functions and responsibilities and is not considered a career position. Other classifications restricted from probationary/continuous appointments include 9750 University Distinguished Fellow, 9751 Senior Fellow, 9752 Fellow, 9756 Clinical Preceptor, 9757 Industrial Fellow, 9758 Technical College Laboratory Teacher, 9791 Head Coach, 9792 Coach, 9793 Assistant Coach, 9794 Athletic Trainer, and 9795 Assistant Athletic Trainer.
Annual Renewable Contract (K) and Non-Credit Teaching/Other Professional Work (Z)
Definition: Annual renewable contract (K) appointments are granted on a yearly basis. They are date specific and can range for any period of time up to a full year in duration. These appointments are renewable each year upon review and approval of the responsible administrator. If no communication is received to the contrary, the appointment is automatically renewed for the same contract period.
Non-credit teaching/other professional work (Z) appointments are given when the job function required is to teach non-credit courses (e.g., teach a course for the Compleat Scholar Program within the College of Continuing Education) or when the job function required is to provide some form of professional work that is non-instructional (e.g., serve as a resource). If an individual is appointed to a position in which they would teach both credit and non-credit courses, the appointment type selected should be the appropriate type for teaching credit coursework. These appointments are renewable each year upon review and approval of the responsible administrator. If no communication is received to the contrary, the appointment is automatically renewed for the same contract period.
Multiple Year Contract (J)
Definition: Multiple year contract (J) appointments are date specific and made for a stipulated period of more than one year (e.g., 13 months, 2 years), not to exceed five years. Multiple year appointments are renewable at the end of each contract period at the discretion of the responsible authority. If the appointment is renewed, the contract need not be renewed for the same number of years. Employees holding multiple year appointments must be provided with written notification near the end of their multiple year contract that defines the span of time covered in the next contract. The next contract may be changed to annual renewable or remain multiple year with the number of years up to five indicated. In the absence of any communication, the employee's contract is automatically renewed for the same number of years.
Multiple year appointments, while not used often, may be particularly useful to enhance recruitment or retention and for certain positions where there is a need for a high degree of stability. It is recommended that units develop internal guidelines that assist in determining when such appointments are appropriate.
- Probationary Period: An initial multiple year appointment given to a new hire may set forth a probationary period of up to one-fourth of the initial appointment period. For example, if an employee is given an initial multiple year (J) appointment of two years, the probationary period could be up to six months. During this period the employee's performance is evaluated to determine whether the individual is demonstrating the capacity for continued performance at the level needed to meet the department's or unit's standards for that position. At any time during this probationary period the employee may be terminated without the right to grieve the termination. If such an evaluation period is used, the letter of appointment must state these terms. When a probationary period is used for a multiple year appointment, a review prior to the end of the defined period is required. This review can occur at any time throughout the probationary period with an option to terminate the employee. There is not a required length of termination notice for a person serving in a probationary period, but reasonableness should guide. If the employee is not terminated as a result of the probationary period review, the employee then is governed under Administrative Policy: Nonrenewal of Appointment for Academic Professional and Administrative Employees and is entitled to a required notice period if the position is subsequently nonrenewed, provided eligibility requirements are met. If no review is held and no communication given, the employee is then governed under the Administrative Policy: Nonrenewal of Appointment for Academic Professional and Administrative Employees at the end of the specified probationary period.
Probationary, Academic Professional Staff (H)
- Definition: Probationary (H) appointments may be used for staff in selected academic professional classifications and are those that lead to a review and decision concerning the granting of a continuous appointment. Continuous appointment cannot be achieved without appropriate review, approval, and action by the Board. Such action becomes effective in the year following the decision year. The proportion of time and duration of a probationary (H) contract provided for in the initial appointment may not be changed without the mutual consent of the employee and the responsible administrator. Refer to Appendix: Administrative Guidelines, Criteria, and Procedures for Review of Probationary (H) Academic Professionals Considered for Continuous (G) Appointment. Refer to Appendix: Information for the Probationary (H) Academic Professional Candidate Being Reviewed for Continuous (G) Appointment, for dossier guidelines and general information.
- Nonreappointment of probationary (H) appointment: Written notice of nonreappointment must be sent by the appropriate senior vice president and may be sent in any year of the probationary period. Refer to Appendix: Administrative Guidelines, Criteria, and Procedures for Review of Probationary (H) Academic Professionals Considered for Continuous (G) Appointment, for specific policy and procedural information.
Continuous, Academic Professional Staff (G)
a. Definition: Continuous (G) appointments are granted for an indefinite term to academic professional staff that are on probationary (H) appointments by the executive vice president and provost with approval by the Board. The definition of continuous appointment parallels that of indefinite tenure for faculty found in Board of Regents Policy: Faculty Tenure. Continuous appointments require a minimum employment of two-thirds time for an appointment term of nine months or longer. Academic professional employees on annual renewable contract (K), multiple year contract (J), or non-credit teaching/other professional work (Z) appointments are not eligible to be considered for a continuous academic professional (G) appointment. b. Continuous appointment for new hires: Continuous appointments may be made at the time of hire with appropriate review and approvals. In order for a new position to carry with it a continuous appointment, a national search is required. The position announcement must indicate that the initial appointment will be a continuous one. The applicant is to be provided information on the review and approval process under which the candidate will be granted a continuous appointment. Refer to the Administrative Policy: Hiring Faculty and Staff for specific policy and procedural information.
Professorial Rank
There are two categories of academic professionals where classification titles may incorporate professorial rank. These categories include instructional positions, such as, 9754 Teaching Specialist and, 9623 Assistant Extension Professor. Regulations governing academic tenure do not apply in these cases.
Promotion is possible in selected academic professional classifications. Final decisions on promotions for academic professionals rest with the appropriate dean or administrative unit head. Promotions approved during the annual review process become effective with the term of appointment at the start of the following year.
- Promotional Classification Groupings: The academic professional classification groups in which promotion is possible include those noted below. There are defined job codes and titles within each of these groups. Refer to Appendix: Academic Professional Appointment Promotional Series, for more detailed information concerning the promotional series under each individual class grouping noted here.
- Academic Advisor
- Acquisitions Editor
- Attorney
- Business Development Specialist
- Cartographer
- Clinical Specialist
- Continuing Education Specialist
- Counselor
- Counselor/Advocate
- Curator
- Development Officer
- Education Specialist
- Extension Educator
- Fellow
- General Counsel
- Information Technologist
- Lecturer
- Librarian
- Physician
- Psychiatric Social Worker
- Psychologist
- Public Health Specialist
- Research Associate
- Research Fellow
- Teaching Specialist
- Criteria/Standards and Review: Each administrative or collegiate unit is to establish criteria and standards for promotion for academic professionals in classification groups in which promotion is possible. Criteria may vary between units for the same promotional class series dependent on specific position functions within each area. Each unit is also to establish review procedures to be followed. In general, procedures should include the following steps: (1) candidate prepares dossier; (2) department/unit head reviews dossier and makes recommendation; (3) dean/administrative unit reviews and makes final recommendation; (4) the employee's University appointment record in the Human Resources Management System (HRMS) is changed to reflect the promotion; and (5) documentation is forwarded to the employee's official personnel file within the Office of Human Resources.
- Salary: Promotions are accompanied by a salary increase. Refer to the current year's Academic Salary Pay Plan for more specific information.
- Promotion Denial: Employees with a complaint regarding promotion denial are directed to the Conflict Resolution Office and Board of Regents Policy: Conflict Resolution Process for Employees and accompanying Administrative Policy: Conflict Resolution for Faculty, P&A, Civil Service, and Student Employees and Procedure: Conflict Resolution Procedures for Faculty, P&A, Civil Service, and Student Employee Complaints. In situations of claims of discrimination, employees are directed to the Conflict Resolution Office or the Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Office for assistance.