University of Minnesota  Administrative Policy

Credit for Nationally Recognized Exams for Undergraduate Students: Crookston, Morris, Rochester, Twin Cities

Policy Statement

Students will be awarded credits based on nationally recognized examinations (Advanced Placement [AP] program, the International Baccalaureate [IB] program, and the College-Level Examination Program [CLEP]) when they meet the minimum standards for the campus awarding the credit.

Any credits awarded for these examinations are applicable to a University of Minnesota degree program or certificate program only after the student has been admitted and enrolled as a degree-seeking student or admitted to the certificate program.

Academic unit authorities on each campus have discretion to establish the minimum standards for awarding credits for nationally recognized examinations. In determining those standards, academic unit authorities evaluate the material in the nationally recognized examination. If the material is judged to be substantially similar to that of an existing course, credit will be awarded for that specific course. If the material is judged to be of college level but not substantially similar to an existing course, the academic unit may assign general departmental credits.

Reason for Policy

To provide the opportunity for enrolled undergraduate students to receive credits for nationally recognized exams when the minimum standards, as determined by academic unit authorities, have been met. This policy implements criteria and requirements for accreditation established by the Higher Learning Commission.



Note: This form was designed for the Twin Cities Campus. Other campuses can adapt it to their processes if they so choose.


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Who determines the minimum standard to receive credit for a nationally recognized exam?

    On the Twin Cities, Duluth, Crookston, and Rochester campuses, the minimum standard to receive credit for a nationally recognized exam is determined by the appropriate academic department or unit. On the Morris campus, the Scholastic Committee determines the minimum standard. On the Crookston Campus, the academic department recommends the minimum standard to the Standards and Policy Committee, which then recommends to the Faculty Assembly for final approval.

  2. Which students are eligible to receive credit for nationally recognized exams?

    Only students who have been admitted as degree-seeking undergraduates at the University of Minnesota and have a student status of “enrolled” are eligible to receive credit for nationally recognized exams. ”Enrolled“ does not refer to the student’s registration status, but is a term used for students who have been admitted to the University and have matriculated. Students who have been admitted to the University but have not accepted an offer of enrollment are not eligible to receive credit for nationally recognized exams. High school students who are enrolled through the Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) program are not eligible to receive credit for nationally recognized exams while they are enrolled as PSEO students. However, if they apply, are admitted, and matriculate as degree-seeking undergraduates at the University of Minnesota, they are then eligible to receive credit for nationally recognized exams.

  3. When are the credits for AP and IB exams awarded?

    Students must have completed the AP and IB nationally recognized examinations before they begin their studies as degree-seeking undergraduate students at the University of Minnesota.

    Approved credits for AP will appear in a student’s degree audit upon the University’s official receipt of official AP test scores; students are notified of approved AP credit totals after they have been admitted to the University. IB credits are awarded after a student has been admitted to the University.

    Credits are awarded based on the student’s first term of enrollment in a degree-seeking program.


Primary Contact(s)Amber Cellotti [email protected]
Twin Cities CampusAmber Cellotti [email protected]
Crookston CampusJason Tangquist218-281-8424[email protected]
Duluth CampusTracey Bolen218-726-8795[email protected]
Morris CampusMarcus Muller320-589-6011[email protected]
Rochester CampusParry Telander507-258-8023[email protected]
Responsible Individuals
Responsible Officer Policy Owner Primary Contact
  • Executive Vice President and Provost
  • Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education
  • Amber Cellotti
    Deputy Registrar and Director, Office of the Registrar


Academic unit authority

The academic college, department, or committee responsible for determining the minimum standards required to receive credit for a nationally recognized exam.

Academic department

The unit on campus offering coursework that is the same or substantially similar to the subject area of the nationally recognized exam.


The process by which a student accepts the University’s offer for admission and indicates that the student intends to enroll.

Minimum standard

The minimum exam score a student must earn in order to receive University credit for a nationally recognized exam.

Nationally recognized exam

Exams overseen by an independent organization (e.g., College Board) that determines the national standard for the exams’ content and scores.


Academic unit authority (academic departments on the Twin Cities, Duluth, and Rochester campuses; Scholastic Committee on the Morris campus; Academic Standards and Policy Committee on the Crookston campus)

Evaluate exam content and determine the minimum standards (i.e., exam score) to receive credit for a nationally recognized exam.

Office of Admissions (Twin Cities, Duluth, Crookston, and Rochester); Scholastic Committee in cooperation with the Office of the Registrar, Morris)

Oversee the administrative process for nationally recognized exams.



January 2021 - Comprehensive Review. A minor change to clarify language in the policy statement. A sentence has been added to a FAQ to address a common question regarding when credits are awarded to a student.


December 2014 - Clarifications related to Higher Learning Commission accreditation requirements.


March 2014 - Comprehensive Review, Minor Revision - Clarifies that an individual must be in a U of M degree program to be awarded these types of credits.


May 2011 - New Policy, Comprehensive Review.  Specifies the authority for awarding credits for nationally-recognized exams. Defines where the credit will be applied (either as equivalent to an existing course, or as general departmental credits.)


Examinations for Credit and Proficiency (Senate Policy)