University of Minnesota  Crookston Campus Policy

Advanced Placement (AP): Crookston


Please use the contact section below.

Policy Statement

Entering freshmen may earn college credit in some subject areas by receiving satisfactory scores on the College Entrance and Examination Board Advanced Placement (AP) Program examinations. Credits granted may be applied toward college degree requirements. In those cases in which a corresponding UMC course does not exist, “blanket credit” may be granted (with appropriate campus approval) and such credits may be used to meet certain liberal education requirements.


AP ExaminationsCredit-Granting ScoreCredit GrantedUniversity of Minnesota, Crookston Equivalent
2-D Art and Design Portfolio3-53ART 1xxx-level Elective, Goal Area 6: The Humanities
3-D Art and Design3-53ART 1xxx-level Elective, Goal Area 6: The Humanities
Drawing Portfolio3-53ART 1xxx-level Elective, Goal Area 6: The Humanities
Art History3-53ART 1xxx-level Elective, Goal Area 6: The Humanities
Music Theory33MUS 1111-Elementary Music Theory
Music Theory4-53+3MUS 1111-Elementary Music Theory & MUS 1xxx-level Elective, Goal Area 6: The Humanities


AP ExaminationsCredit-Granting ScoreCredit GrantedUniversity of Minnesota, Crookston Equivalent
English Language and Composition3-53COMP 1011-Composition I
English Literature and Composition3-53ENGL 1xxx-level Elective, Goal Area 6: The Humanities

History and Social Sciences

AP ExaminationsCredit-Granting ScoreCredit GrantedUniversity of Minnesota, Crookston Equivalent
Comparative Government & Politics3-53POL 1054-Comparative Government
History – European3-53HIST 1xxx-level Elective, Goal Area 5: History and the Behavioral and Social Sciences
Geography – Human3-53GEOG 1104-World Regional Geography
Macroeconomics3-53ECON 2102-Macroeconomics
Microeconomics3-53ECON 2101-Microeconomics
Psychology3-53PSY 1001-Intro to Psychology
United States Government & Politics3-53POL 1001-American Government
U.S. History3-53+3HIST 1301-American History I & HIST 1302-American History II
History - World3-53+3HIST1021-World Civilization I & HIST 1022-World Civilization II & Goal Area 5: History and the Behavioral and Social Sciences

Math and Computer Science

AP ExaminationsCredit-Granting ScoreCredit GrantedUniversity of Minnesota, Crookston Equivalent
Calculus AB3-54MATH 1271-Calculus I
Calculus BC34MATH 1271-Calculus I
Calculus BC4-54+4MATH 1271-Calculus I & MATH 1272-Calculus II
Computer Science A3-53SE 2050 - Introduction to Programming
Computer Science Principles3-53SE 1xxx-level Elective
Precalculus3-44MATH 1250-Precalculus
Statistics3-53MATH 1150-Elementary Statistics


AP ExaminationsCredit-Granting ScoreCredit GrantedUniversity of Minnesota, Crookston Equivalent
Biology3-54BIOL 1009-General Biology
Chemistry3-53+1+3+1CHEM 1061 & 1065- Chemical Principles I & CHEM 1062 & 1066- Chemical Principles II
Environmental Science3-53NATR 1226 - Environmental Science & Sustainability
Physics 1: Algebra Based3-54PHYS 1101-Intro to College Physics I
Physics 2: Algebra Based3-54PHYS 1102-Intro to College Physics II
Physics B3-54+4PHYS 1101-Intro to College Physics I & PHYS 1102-Intro to College Physics II
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism3-54PHYS 1102-Intro to College Physics II
Physics C: Mechanics3-54PHYS 1101-Intro to College Physics I

AP World Languages and Cultures

AP ExaminationsCredit-Granting ScoreCredit GrantedUniversity of Minnesota, Crookston Equivalent
Chinese Language and Culture3-531xxx-level Elective, Goal Area 6: The Humanities
French Language and Culture3-531xxx-level Elective, Goal Area 6: The Humanities
French Literature3-531xxx-level Elective, Goal Area 6: The Humanities
German Language and Culture3-531xxx-level Elective, Goal Area 6: The Humanities
Italian Language and Culture3-531xxx-level Elective, Goal Area 6: The Humanities
Japanese Language and Culture3-531xxx-level Elective, Goal Area 6: The Humanities
Latin Literature3-531xxx-level Elective, Goal Area 6: The Humanities
Spanish Language3-54+4SPAN 1104-Beginning Spanish I & SPAN 1204-Beginning Spanish II
Spanish Literature3-53SPAN 1xxx-level Elective, Goal Area 6: The Humanities

Reason for Policy

Provide credit for College Entrance and Examination Board Advanced Placement (AP) Program examinations.


Policy Contacts
Primary ContactJason Tangquist, Registrar218-281-8424[email protected]
Responsible Individuals
Policy Owner Primary Contact
  • Registrar, UMC
  • Jason Tangquist
    Registrar, UMC


Contact the Office of the Registrar.

Other Information

There is no "Other Information" supporting this policy.

Policy History


February 2014

Approved by UMC: Faculty Assembly February 28, 2014; 12/16/2016