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Policy Statement
Academic departments have the discretion to offer exams to either demonstrate proficiency or earn course credit. The format of these exams is at the department's discretion (e.g., final examination, oral tests, written papers or projects). No department is required to offer exams for proficiency or credit.
Eligibility for such exams is limited to currently enrolled, undergraduate, degree-seeking students. Departments may establish further eligibility criteria for an exam for proficiency or credit. A student may not take an exam for credit for a course the student has already completed for any grade basis (i.e., A-F, S-N, or audit) at the University of Minnesota.
Exam to demonstrate proficiency
A departmental exam for proficiency may be used to fulfill prerequisites for advanced courses or satisfy other degree or course requirements. An exam for proficiency does not yield any course credit or grade. The academic department giving the examination determines the minimum standards for successful completion of an exam for proficiency.
Exam to earn course credit
A departmental exam for credit may be used to earn credit for a course. The academic department giving the examination determines the minimum standards for successful completion of an exam for credit.
Credit(s) earned by departmental exam do not earn grade point average (GPA) points and are reflected only within the student's cumulative credit totals on the transcript (not within the term in which the student completed the exam).
Credit(s) earned by departmental exam count in the credit total, but do not count toward the minimum number of credits students must earn at the campus from which they are seeking a degree.
Special situations
On the Morris campus, the Scholastic Committee serves in the role of the academic department and has all related responsibilities.
Reason for Policy
Departments may wish to have a means of allowing students to demonstrate existing proficiency in a subject without requiring the student to complete coursework.