University of Minnesota  Administrative Policy

Departmental Exams for Proficiency or Credit for Undergraduate Students: Crookston, Morris, Rochester, Twin Cities

Policy Statement

Academic departments have the discretion to offer exams to either demonstrate proficiency or earn course credit. The format of these exams is at the department's discretion (e.g., final examination, oral tests, written papers or projects). No department is required to offer exams for proficiency or credit.

Eligibility for such exams is limited to currently enrolled, undergraduate, degree-seeking students. Departments may establish further eligibility criteria for an exam for proficiency or credit. A student may not take an exam for credit for a course the student has already completed for any grade basis (i.e., A-F, S-N, or audit) at the University of Minnesota.

Exam to demonstrate proficiency

A departmental exam for proficiency may be used to fulfill prerequisites for advanced courses or satisfy other degree or course requirements. An exam for proficiency does not yield any course credit or grade. The academic department giving the examination determines the minimum standards for successful completion of an exam for proficiency.

Exam to earn course credit

A departmental exam for credit may be used to earn credit for a course. The academic department giving the examination determines the minimum standards for successful completion of an exam for credit.

Credit(s) earned by departmental exam do not earn grade point average (GPA) points and are reflected only within the student's cumulative credit totals on the transcript (not within the term in which the student completed the exam).

Credit(s) earned by departmental exam count in the credit total, but do not count toward the minimum number of credits students must earn at the campus from which they are seeking a degree.

Special situations

On the Morris campus, the Scholastic Committee serves in the role of the academic department and has all related responsibilities.

Reason for Policy

Departments may wish to have a means of allowing students to demonstrate existing proficiency in a subject without requiring the student to complete coursework.




Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Who may take an examination for credit or proficiency?

    Only students who have been admitted to the University of Minnesota as degree-seeking undergraduate students and have a student status of "enrolled" are eligible to take an examination for credit or proficiency. "Enrolled" does not refer to the student's registration status, but is a term used for students who have been admitted to the University and have matriculated. Students who have been admitted to the University but have not matriculated are not eligible.

    High School students who are enrolled through the Postsecondary Enrollment Option (PSEO) program are not eligible for these exams while they are enrolled as PSEO students. However, if they apply, are admitted, and matriculate as degree-seeking undergraduates at the University of Minnesota, they are then eligible to take an exam for credit or proficiency.

  2. Who determines whether or not to offer an examination for credit or proficiency?

    On the Twin Cities, Duluth, Crookston, and Rochester campuses, the decision to offer such an examination is made by the academic department or unit offering the course or subject for which the student is seeking examination. On the Morris campus, the Scholastic Committee has the authority to grant an examination for credit; examinations for proficiency are granted by the academic department.

  3. If a student does not pass an exam for credit or proficiency, is this notated on the student's transcript?

    No; only successful exam completions are notated on students' transcripts.


Primary Contact(s)Jessica Kuecker Grotjohn (undergraduate)612-624-1328[email protected]
Twin Cities CampusJessica Kuecker Grotjohn612-624-1328[email protected]
Crookston CampusJason Tangquist218-281-8424[email protected]
Duluth CampusTracey Bolen218-726-8795[email protected]
Morris CampusMarcus Muller320-589-6011[email protected]
Rochester CampusNorman Clark507-258-8028[email protected]
Responsible Individuals
Responsible Officer Policy Owner Primary Contact
  • Executive Vice President and Provost
  • Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education
  • Jessica Kuecker Grotjohn
    Assistant Director for Undergraduate Education


Academic department

The unit on campus offering course work that is the same or substantially similar to the subject area of the exam.

Currently enrolled undergraduate degree-seeking students

Students who have been admitted to a University of Minnesota undergraduate degree program and who have matriculated.

Campus-specific credit requirements

The minimum number of credits students must complete at the campus from which they expect to graduate before a degree will be granted.


Academic departments (Twin Cities, Duluth, Crookston, and Rochester)

  • Determine whether or not to offer an exam for credit or proficiency.
  • Determine the format and scoring of the exam.

Colleges (Twin Cities, Duluth, Crookston, and Rochester)

  • Determine whether or not successful completion of the exam will apply to the student's degree program.
  • Request the credit by special exam fee as part of the annual budget process.

Scholastic Committee (Morris)

  • Determine whether or not to offer an exam for credit or proficiency.
  • Determine whether or not successful completion of the exam will apply to the student's degree program.

Office of the Registrar (All campuses)

  • Appropriately notate on students' transcripts any successful completion of a departmental exam for proficiency or credit.



August 2021 - Comprehensive Review, Minor Revision.

  1. Minor phrasing changes in order to clarify potentially confusing or vague language.
  2. Added the words “degree or course” to clarify what kind of requirements can be met with a departmental exam.
  3. Retired a procedure that is no longer needed.


March 2014 - Comprehensive Review, Minor Revision 1. Clarifies that student must be enrolled in a program to be eligible for these exams. 2. Emphasizes that it is the department's choice as to whether or not to offer departmental exams for proficiency or credit.


May 2011 - Replaces Senate Policy: Examinations for Credit and Proficiency. Clarifies who is eligible to take a departmental exam for proficiency or credit. Defines key terms to provide clarity for the reader.


Examinations for Credit and Proficiency