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Displaying 1 - 41 of 41
Title Senate Committee Involvement Senate Involvement
Academic Calendars: Crookston, Morris, Rochester, Twin Cities
  1. SCEP
  2. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
Acquiring and Use of the U Card
  1. SCC
No University or Faculty Senate Review
Acquisition, Use, and Disposition of Donated Human Fetal Tissue for Research (Non-Transplantation) or Teaching
  1. SRC
  2. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
Acquisition, Use, and Disposition of Donated Human Fetal Tissue for Transplantation Research
  1. SRC
  2. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
Activities Involving Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents
  1. SRC
  2. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
Alcoholic Beverage Sales and Service, and Venue Liquor Licensing
  1. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
Animals on Campus
  1. SCC
  2. Disabilities Issues
No University or Faculty Senate Review
Background Checks and Verifications
  1. SCC
No University or Faculty Senate Review
Brand Policy: Trademarks, Logos, Colors, and Seal
  1. SCC
No University or Faculty Senate Review
Business Expenses
  1. SCFP
  2. SRC
  3. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
  1. EAD
  2. CCSB
  3. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
Drug Free University
  1. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
Effort Certification
  1. SRC
  2. SCC
  3. PACC
  1. F Senate (action)
  2. U Senate (info)
Employee Absences for Religious Holidays
  1. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
Establishing Administrative Policies
  1. SCC
No University or Faculty Senate Review
Family and Medical - FMLA Leave
  1. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
Graduate Assistant Employment
  1. SCFA
  2. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
Hiring Faculty and Staff
  1. SCC
No University or Faculty Senate Review
Hospitality and Entertainment of Non-Employees
  1. SCC
No University or Faculty Senate Review
Indigenous Research
  1. SRC
  2. EAD
  3. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
Institutional Conflict of Interest
  1. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
Major Events - Twin Cities Campus
  1. SCFP
  2. SCSA
  3. AF&T
  4. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
Managing Nepotism and Personal Relationships
  1. SCFA
  2. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
Military, Court Appearance, or Civic Duty Leaves
  1. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time
  1. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
Openness in Research
  1. SRC
  2. SCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Outside Consulting and Other Commitments
  1. SCFA
  2. SCC
  3. PACC
  1. U Senate (action) (Faculty and Staff Delegation)
Parental Leave for Employees
  1. SCFA
  2. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
Public Access to University Information
  1. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
Public Service: Campaigning for or Holding Public Office
  1. SCC
  1. U Senate (action) (Faculty and Staff Delegation)
Relocating Employees
  1. SCFA
  2. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
Reporting Suspected Misconduct
  1. SCFA
  2. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
Research Misconduct
  1. SRC
  2. SCFA
  3. SCC
  1. U Senate (action)
Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research Education
  1. SRC
  2. SCC
  3. PACC
  1. P&A Senate (info)
  2. U Senate (info)
  1. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
Safety of Minors
  1. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking and Relationship Violence
  1. EAD
  2. CCSB
  3. SCC
  4. AF&T
  1. U Senate (info)
Smoke and Tobacco Free Campus: Crookston, Duluth, Rochester, and Twin Cities
  1. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
Traveling on University Business
  1. SCFP
  2. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
University State of Emergency: Human Resources Implications
  1. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones)
  1. SCC
  2. CSC
  1. U Senate (info)