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Policy Statement
All University members are prohibited from engaging in, or assisting or abetting another’s engagement in, discrimination and related retaliation (collectively “prohibited conduct”). The terms “discrimination” and “retaliation” are defined in the Definitions section below. The University of Minnesota (the “University”) will take prompt and effective steps intended to end prohibited conduct; prevent its recurrence; and, as appropriate, remedy its effects.
Reporting of Prohibited Conduct
In order to foster an environment free from prohibited conduct, all University members are encouraged to take reasonable prudent actions to prevent, stop, and report all acts of prohibited conduct. In addition, supervisors and human resources professionals have the following reporting obligations related to possible prohibited conduct that they learn about in the course of performing their respective supervisory or human resources employment duties. University supervisors and human resources professionals are exempted from these reporting requirements when such reporting is prohibited by HIPAA or other laws, or by a professional license requiring confidentiality.
- Supervisors and human resources professionals must promptly contact the campus Equal Opportunity office when, in the course of performing their respective supervisory or human resources employment duties, they learn about any form of prohibited conduct directed at University students, employees or third parties that may have:
- occurred on University property;
- occurred during a University employment or education program or activity; or
- been committed by a current University member at the time they were a University member.
- Supervisors and human resources professionals must report the following information to the campus Equal Opportunity office:
- the names of the complainant(s), respondent(s), and possible witnesses;
- the date, time, and location of the possible prohibited conduct; and
- other relevant details about the possible prohibited conduct.
Application of Policy
This policy applies to University members, who include:
- University students, whether enrolled full time or part time, for credit or non-credit courses;
- University employees as defined in this policy; and
- third parties who are engaged in any University activity or program, or who are otherwise interacting with the University, including, but not limited to, volunteers, contractors, vendors, visitors, and guests.
This policy applies to acts of discrimination and related retaliation committed by or against students, employees, and third parties when:
- the conduct occurs on University property;
- the conduct occurs in the context of a University employment or education program or activity, including, but not limited to, University-sponsored academic, athletic, extracurricular, study abroad, research, on-line or internship programs or activities;
- the conduct occurs off University property and outside the context of a University employment or education program or activity, but 1) has a continuing adverse effect on a University education program or activity; or 2) creates a hostile environment for students, employees, or third parties while on University property or in any University employment or education program or activity; or
- the conduct indicates that the respondent may present a danger or threat to the health or safety of University members.
To the extent any provision of this policy conflicts with the Board of Regents Policy: Diversity, Equity, Equal Opportunity, and Affirmative Action, the Board policy controls. Nothing in this policy should be interpreted to abridge academic freedom or principles of free speech.
Reason for Policy
This policy implements Board of Regents policy: Diversity, Equity, Equal Opportunity, and Affirmative Action. The University aims to foster a welcoming community that values belonging, equity, diversity, and dignity in people and ideas. The University adopts this policy with a commitment to: (1) taking prompt and equitable action to eliminate, prevent, and address the effects of prohibited conduct; (2) fostering an environment of trust where prohibited conduct is not tolerated; (3) cultivating a climate where all persons are well-informed and supported with respect to reporting prohibited conduct; (4) providing a fair and impartial process for all parties; and (5) articulating the standards and procedures by which violations of this policy will be evaluated and disciplinary action may be imposed.