University of Minnesota  Administrative Policy

Resolving Alleged Student Conduct Code Violations

Policy Statement

Each campus will develop and maintain fair processes for resolving complaints against students and student groups under Board of Regents Policy: Student Conduct Code. These processes will emphasize student development through understanding and accepting responsibility for personal behavior, while protecting community interests and due process. Each campus will work to provide documents, notices, etc. in a format accessible to the recipient. Each campus's disciplinary process will

  • provide fair notice to students of alleged violations of Board of Regents Policy: Student Conduct Code;
  • provide privacy in accordance with applicable state and federal laws.
  • allow the student to be accompanied or represented by an advisor of their choice throughout the student conduct process as permitted by campus procedures;
  • provide timely notice of any meeting or proceeding;
  • provide the range of possible outcomes;
  • encourage informal resolution of alleged violations without the need for a hearing;
  • permit students the opportunity for a formal hearing upon request;
  • provide timely and equal access to information that will be used during disciplinary hearings;
  • provide prompt and fair, unbiased resolution;
  • provide for a preponderance of the evidence (i.e., more likely than not) standard of proof throughout the disciplinary process; and
  • provide one campus-wide appeal of a finding of violation of the Code.

Each campus will provide a hearing body (comprising a hearing panel or hearing officer) to conduct hearings requested by students and student groups. The hearing body may differ depending on the nature of the alleged violation and the college/campus in which the student is enrolled. Specifically, individual colleges may establish their own hearing body to determine responsibility related to intra-college cases of scholastic dishonesty (that is, cases that involve the college's student within the college's own course).

This Administrative Policy only applies where an outcome is sought for an alleged violation of Board of Regents Policy: Student Conduct Code, except that alleged violations of Section IV, subdivision 9 of the Student Conduct Code are governed by Administrative Policy: Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking and Relationship Violence. Professional and graduate programs may have their own supplemental codes to address additional behavioral requirements in their programs. Likewise, certain administrative programs, such as housing and residential life, student activities offices, and learning abroad offices, may establish and apply their own codes of conduct and hearing procedures. If outcomes are sought for an alleged violation of Board of Regents Policy: Student Conduct Code, then the hearing procedures must comply with the requirements of this policy. 

Reason for Policy

This administrative policy implements Board of Regents Policy: Student Conduct Code. It provides a framework for each campus to resolve complaints about violations of Board of Regents Policy: Student Conduct Code.




Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can students receive accommodations, including an extension to respond to the written complaint if they need to have it provided in an alternative/accessible format, during the student discipline process?

    Yes. The University has an obligation to accommodate all documented disabilities in the student discipline process and to engage in an interactive process with the affected student, the student conduct office on each campus, and the campus disability services office to figure out how best to reasonably do so.

  2. Can students have an interpreter available at a hearing?

    Yes, students may identify and bring their own interpreters. Additionally, advisors are typically available for students to ensure they understand the process.  While we do not hire interpreters, we are often able to find in-kind support for language assistance if needed.   


Subject Contact Phone Fax/Email
Primary Contact(s) Sharon Dzik,
Director of the Office for Community Standards
612-624-6073 [email protected]
Campus Contacts
Campus Contact Phone Email
Crookston Chris Ehrhart,
Interim Dean of Student Engagement and Wellness
218-281-8580 [email protected]
Duluth Chris Kaberline,
Director of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution
218-726-8969 [email protected]
Morris TJ Ross,
Director of Residential and Community Life

Adrienne Conley,
Assistant Director for Student Life and LGBTQIA2S+ Programs

[email protected]
[email protected]
Rochester Javier Gutierrez,
Assistant Vice-Chancellor for Student Success, Engagement & Equity
507-258-8106 [email protected]
Twin Cities Sharon Dzik,
Director of the Office for Community Standards
612-624-6073 [email protected]
Responsible Individuals
Responsible Officer Policy Owner Primary Contact
  • Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
  • Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
  • Sharon Dzik



Person who advises the complainant or respondent, as permitted by campus procedures, through the student conduct process. An advisor may be an attorney, advocate, support person, or any other individual of the student’s choosing with the exception of those who are witnesses with information about facts material to the underlying case.


An individual is a “complainant” under this policy when the person has reported prohibited conduct under Board of Regents Policy: Student Conduct Code.


An individual is a “respondent” when the University learns that the individual is alleged to have engaged in conduct that could constitute prohibited conduct under this policy.

Student groups

Student-led groups that are registered pursuant to campus policies.



Ensure the establishment and maintenance of appropriate disciplinary procedures on their campus.


Ensure the establishment and maintenance of appropriate disciplinary procedures on the Twin Cities Campus.

Student Conduct Professionals

Ensure student development through understanding and accepting responsibility for personal behavior, while protecting community interests and due process.



January 2023. Comprehensive review.

  • Educational & DEI updates - Updated the usage of the term “disciplinary process” with “student conduct process” to focus on a more educational, as opposed to punitive, response. Ensure any non-inclusive language is removed. Identify if any new definitions need to be added to aid in readability and understanding.
  • Clarification - This Administrative Policy applies where an outcome is sought for an alleged violation of Board of Regents Policy: Student Conduct Code, except that alleged violations of Section IV, subdivision 9, of the Student Conduct Code are governed by Administrative Policy: Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking and Relationship Violence.
  • Campus procedure updates - Ensure the correct provisions of the updated Student Conduct Code are referenced as well as the correct campus wide student conduct hearing bodies, processes, and procedures.
  • Technology updates - Ensure the policies reflect today’s updated technology standard in regard to record keeping.


January 2019 - Comprehensive Review. This policy was amended to align with the Administrative Policy entitled Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking, and Relationship Violence. Additionally, the policy was edited to remove redundancy and provide more clarity to the reader.


March 2014 - Comprehensive Review, Major Revision: 1. This policy version includes a new section that outlines required elements of a campus disciplinary process related to allegations of sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, or relationship violence. 2. Provides for one campus-wide appeal for the reporting party to align with recent law changes in the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013.


March 2008 - Administrative Policy to implement Board of Regents Policy: Student Conduct Code.