University of Minnesota  FAQ

Discrimination Based on Caste


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Governing Policy


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  1. Does the University prohibit caste discrimination? 

    Yes. Caste discrimination is encompassed within the University’s prohibition of discrimination based on race, national origin, and religion, and is therefore prohibited under Administrative Policy: Discrimination. For more information about the types of general conduct that may constitute prohibited discrimination, see the definition of discrimination in Administrative Policy: Discrimination.

  2. What is caste?

    For purposes of University policy, castes are rigidly hierarchical social classes that are assigned at birth based on one’s family’s caste, and cannot be changed during one’s life. Caste systems are characterized by the inherited nature of one’s caste, the practice of marrying within one’s caste, and the presence of social barriers that apply to certain caste groups and are sanctioned by religion, law, or custom. Caste systems exist across South Asian countries and religions, as well as in other parts of the world.

  3. Where do I report caste discrimination that I have experienced or learned about?

    All University members are strongly encouraged to report all forms of prohibited discrimination to their campus Equal Opportunity office. University of Minnesota supervisors and human resources professionals are generally required to report possible discrimination that they learn about in the course of performing their supervisory or human resources duties to their campus Equal Opportunity office. For more information, please see the FAQ: Reporting