University of Minnesota  Administrative Policy

Public Service: Campaigning for or Holding Public Office

Policy Statement

Employees may engage in public service, including campaigning for or holding public office. At the earliest opportunity, the responsible administrator/supervisor should discuss potential conflicts or work with the employee who is contemplating running for or is being appointed to a public office. When the demands of public service impact an employee’s University work responsibilities, the responsible administrator and employee hold joint accountability to explore arrangements to accommodate the public service activity and time away from work. Consultation is required where duties of a campaign or the holding of the office would seriously interfere or conflict with the fulfillment of University responsibilities, including hours of work.

A leave of absence or start of other arrangements should coincide with the onset of activities that prevent the employee from meeting University responsibilities. If the situation warrants, for example, when a full-time leave of absence beyond two years is required, a resignation may be the most appropriate action.   


The president or delegate may make exceptions to this policy upon written request by an employee and/or responsible administrator.


University employees must not imply University endorsement or use University resources in campaign activities or literature. Employees campaigning or fundraising for or holding public office will follow University policies regarding use of University equipment, services, facilities, property, and paid work time.

Reason for Policy

This policy implements Board of Regents Policy: Employees Campaigning For or Holding Public Office.


General Information or Procedural Assistance
  • Primary: Responsible administrator/supervisor
  • Secondary: Local campus, college, or administrative unit HR administrator
  • Other (as needed): Office of Human Resources specialist or consultant
612-624-UOHR (8647); 800-756-2363[email protected]
Document Processing of a leave or resignationOffice of Human Resources Call Center612-624-UOHR (8647)[email protected]
Responsible Individuals
Responsible Officer Policy Owner Primary Contact
  • Vice President, Office of Human Resources
  • Director of Employee and Labor Relations
  • See Contacts Table above


There are no definitions associated with this policy.



  • Provides the responsible administrator/supervisor with as much notice time as possible and consults on potential conflicts and possible work arrangements.
  • Follows through with procedures appropriate to a leave of absence or resignation.

Responsible Administrator/Supervisor

Consults with the employee, at the earliest opportunity, on potential conflicts and appropriate arrangements to accommodate campaigning for or holding public office.

President or Delegate

Decides outcome of any exception request to Board of Regents Policy: Employees Campaigning for or Holding Public Office.

Office Human Resources

Consult as needed with unit HR administrators and/or responsible administrator/supervisor on appropriate work accommodations.



May 2018 - Comprehensive Review. Minor edits for clarity.



November 2009 - General edits made with clarification of policy and procedural language and indicated more strongly role of responsible administrator/supervisor.


May 2008 - Policy converted to the new University-wide format for administrative policies.


May 2005


May 2005