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Displaying 1 - 32 of 32
Title Senate Committee Involvement Senate Involvement
Acquisition, Use, and Disposition of Donated Human Fetal Tissue for Research (Non-Transplantation) or Teaching
  1. SRC
  2. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
Acquisition, Use, and Disposition of Donated Human Fetal Tissue for Transplantation Research
  1. SRC
  2. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
Activities Involving Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents
  1. SRC
  2. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
Business Expenses
  1. SCFP
  2. SRC
  3. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
Charging of Facilities and Administrative/Indirect Costs to Sponsored Projects
  1. SRC
  2. FCC
  3. PACC
  1. F Senate (info)
  2. P&A Senate (info)
Charging Sponsored Costs Outside the Award Period
  1. SRC
No University or Faculty Senate Review
Clinical Research Using Drugs
  1. SRC
No University or Faculty Senate Review
Conducting Research with Human Embryos or Pluripotent Stem Cells
  1. SRC
  2. FCC
  3. PACC
  4. FACHS
  1. F Senate (info)
  2. P&A Senate (info)
Copyright Ownership
  1. SRC
  2. SLC
  3. FCC
  4. PACC
  5. SAIC
  1. F Senate (action)
  2. P&A Senate (info)
  3. U Senate (info)
Creating and Evaluating Centers
  1. SRC
  2. FCC
  1. F Senate (info)
Direct Costs on Sponsored Projects
  1. SRC
No University or Faculty Senate Review
Effort Certification
  1. SRC
  2. SCC
  3. PACC
  1. F Senate (action)
  2. U Senate (info)
Export Controls
  1. SRC
  1. F Senate (info)
Fixed Price Contracts, Including Clinical Trials
  1. SRC
No University or Faculty Senate Review
For-Cause Investigations Related to Research Compliance Concerns
  1. SRC
No University or Faculty Senate Review
Indigenous Research
  1. SRC
  2. EAD
  3. SCC
  1. U Senate (info)
Individual Conflicts of Interest and Standards Governing Relationships with Business Entities
  1. SCFA
  2. SRC
  3. FCC
  4. PACC
  5. CSCC
  1. U Senate (action) (Faculty and Staff Delegation)
Managing Program Income Earned on Sponsored Projects
  1. SRC
No University or Faculty Senate Review
Occupational Health and Safety
  1. CSC
  2. SRC
  3. FACHS
No University or Faculty Senate Review
Offering Cost Sharing (including Matching and In-Kind Contributions) on Sponsored Projects
  1. SRC
No University or Faculty Senate Review
Open Access to Scholarly Articles
  1. SRC
  2. SLC
  3. FCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Openness in Research
  1. SRC
  2. SCC
  1. F Senate (action)
Paying Human Participants and Maintaining Confidentiality
  1. SRC
No University or Faculty Senate Review
Procuring, Using, and Disposing of Donated Human Bodies Used for Research and Teaching
  1. SRC
No University or Faculty Senate Review
Protected Health Information
  1. HS FCC
  2. SRC
No University or Faculty Senate Review
Radiation Safety
  1. SRC
No University or Faculty Senate Review
Reporting Inventions or Software Arising from Research
  1. SRC
No University or Faculty Senate Review
Research Data Management: Archiving, Ownership, Retention, Security, Storage, and Transfer
  1. SRC
No University or Faculty Senate Review
Research Misconduct
  1. SRC
  2. SCFA
  3. SCC
  1. U Senate (action)
Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research Education
  1. SRC
  2. SCC
  3. PACC
  1. P&A Senate (info)
  2. U Senate (info)
University Sponsor and Sponsor-Investigator IND/IDE and FDA Pre-Submission Requirements
  1. SRC
No University or Faculty Senate Review
Using Controlled Substances for Research
  1. SRC
No University or Faculty Senate Review