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Policy Statement
University of Minnesota (University) faculty, staff, and students must comply with federal and state regulations and University policies and procedures when conducting research, clinical and teaching activities with, or storage of, radioactive materials and ionizing radiation producing devices. This also applies to faculty, staff and students using radiological materials or devices under grants and contracts to the University at off-campus sites.
Non-University entities renting, leasing or otherwise using University property, equipment or facilities, and that are using or storing radiological material or devices are subject to the requirements of this policy, including inspection of their storage, use, and handling facilities.
These regulations include (detailed in the procedures):
- Permits for the use of radioactive materials
- Radiation safety training
- Registration of ionizing radiation producing devices
- Proper collection, packing and request for radioactive waste pickup
- Record keeping
- Incident reporting
Faculty, staff, and students working with radioactive materials and radiation producing devices are responsible for attending required training and following established procedures.
Principal Investigators (PIs) must submit required documentation and receive approval by the All-University Radiation Protection Committee (AURPC) prior to ordering and use of radioactive materials. They are responsible for maintaining a current inventory of radioactive materials, determining training requirements, and enforcing radiation safety policies and procedures.
Permit holders for radioactive materials are responsible for assuring the safe, secure use and storage, and proper disposal of radioactive materials authorized under the permit. They must maintain an inventory of radioactive materials and receive approval from the Department of Radiation Safety for any modifications to activities, use or storage locations.
The Department of Radiation Safety must be notified immediately when there is an accident involving ionizing radiation sources (e.g. spill.)
Colleges and departments are responsible for any fines or penalties resulting from their unit’s failure to comply with external radiation regulations. They are also responsible for the facilitation of inventory maintenance and inspections.
The AURPC will establish compliance procedures relating to the safe use of ionizing radiation sources, and will enforce federal, state and University requirements.
Reason for Policy
To implement Board of Regents Policy: Health and Safety by providing a framework to establish and maintain safe, compliant, and responsible use of these sources.
In compliance with federal and state requirements, the University holds licenses that require the University to have policies and procedures to regulate safe use and storage of radioactive materials and devices.