University of Minnesota  Procedure

Human Use of Ionizing Radiation


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Governing Policy


Please use the contact section in the governing policy.

The Human Use Subcommittee (HUS) of the All-University Radiation Protection Committee (AURPC) reviews all applications involving the research use of radioactive materials and/or ionizing radiation producing devices in protocols involving human subjects. These HUS applications are reviewed for compliance with NRC, MDH, and/or FDA ionizing radiation regulations. The HUS reports the results of application reviews to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and the applicant.

Human Use Application and Review Procedures

Application for research use of ionizing radiation in human subjects

  • Obtain and complete the Human Use Application (google sheet) for use of ionizing radiation in human subjects.
  • Submit the application and required supporting documentation to the Department of Radiation Safety. Required supporting documentation includes: consent forms including radiation risks section worded in accordance with HUS instructions, copy of IRB application, summary of research protocol.