Table of Contents
Governing Policy
Please use the contact section in the governing policy.
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has established rules for the registration and safe use of ionizing radiation producing devices, and because x-ray equipment and accelerators produce ionizing radiation, the safety precautions and procedures are to be followed when these systems are used. The specific rules that apply to machine produced radiation are listed in the State of Minnesota Rules.
The Department of Radiation Safety (DRS) provides assistance to x-ray and accelerator operators to enable them to maintain compliance with State of Minnesota and University safety requirements. The DRS has developed radiation safety guides as a means of informing operators of the potential hazards associated with these systems and of the precautions and procedures that are to be followed to minimize these hazards.
Use of Ionizing Radiation Devices Procedures
MDH registration of ionizing radiation producing devices
- Contact DRS staff for assistance with registration (see contacts section of Administrative Policy: Radiation Safety)
- DRS will assign appropriate MDH registration number and assist in determination and payment of applicable MDH fee
- DRS will schedule initial preoperational radiation safety audit and provide radiation safety instructions
Radiation dosimeter assignment and use
State and Federal regulations (PDF) require the assignment of personnel radiation dosimeters to individuals who are likely to be exposed to greater than applicable radiation dose limits. Guidance on determination of who needs a dosimeter(s) and how to obtain these is available at Dosimetry. Each permit holder should review this information or contact DRS to determine if personnel radiation dosimetry is required.
Safe use of ionizing radiation devices
The MDH has established rules for the registration and safe use of ionizing radiation sources, and because x-ray equipment and accelerators produce ionizing radiation, safety precautions and procedures are to be followed when these systems are used. The specific rules that apply to machine produced radiation are listed in the State of Minnesota Rules.
Contact DRS staff for assistance with the appropriate safe operating procedures and precautions.
Record Keeping and Reporting Procedures and Requirements
Required Record Keeping
All ionizing radiation producing device registrants and users are required to keep up-to-date records of the following for review by DRS and MDH auditors:
- initial facility radiation shielding determinations and radiation safety survey results, and updated radiation safety survey results following any modification that could impact radiation levels
- device repair and maintenance records and associated quality assurance documentation
- initial and annual refresher radiation safety training records for authorized users
- periodic quality assurance tests specific to the device type and compliance documentation
- if required, personnel radiation dosimetry records
- if required, applicable device utilization records
Required Reporting and Notification
The University is required to notify MDH Radiation Control Section of any new or replacement ionizing radiation devices, and to register these devices within 30 days of acquisition. Notify DRS staff of plans to purchase or replace an ionizing radiation device, and they will assist with the MDH notification and registration.
Under State of Minnesota Rules, ionizing radiation producing devices must be registered and fees paid to the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) within 30 days of acquisition. The registration of each unit must be renewed on an annual basis and the renewal fees paid. The rules also require the registrant to assure compliance with designated radiation safety practices. The University’s Radiation Safety Officer and DRS staff can assist with MDH notification and registration.
DRS staff will conduct annual audits, safety surveys and refresher training to assist the registrant in maintaining compliance with these State Rules.