University of Minnesota  Administrative Policy

Managing University Records and Information

Policy Statement

Records and Information Management Program

The University of Minnesota maintains a Records and Information Management (RIM) program within the Data Access and Privacy Office. The University’s Records Manager assists University staff to create, maintain, manage and eventually destroy records and information that is no longer needed or valuable to the University. This is done by creating record retention schedules which are based on legal, administrative, fiscal and historical requirements or regulations.

Records Retention. University units are responsible for utilizing the University record retention schedules to manage their information. Units must maintain the records for the period specified on the record retention schedules.

Records Disposition. University units should destroy information and records once the retention period has been met. University units must follow destruction guidelines when destroying University records.

NOTE: Any records or information that are part of pending or current litigation may not be destroyed, regardless of the record retention schedule. Contact the Office of General Counsel if there are questions about the status of a case.

Reason for Policy

A records and information management program ensures that information is kept and maintained according to legal, fiscal, administrative and historical needs. The program also ensures that records are properly destroyed to protect privacy interests when no longer needed.


Primary ContactDan Volkosh612-625-6993[email protected]
Waste Management/RecyclingFacilities Management612-625-8084[email protected]
Legal QuestionsOffice of the General Counsel612-624-4100[email protected]
Academic Records - TCOffice of the Registrar - TC612-624-1111 800-400-8636[email protected]
Academic Records - DuluthOffice of the Registrar - Duluth218-726-8000 800-232-1339[email protected]
Academic Records - CrookstonOffice of the Registrar - Crookston218-281-8548[email protected]
Academic Records - MorrisOffice of the Registrar - Morris320-589-6030[email protected]
Academic Records - RochesterOffice of the Registrar507-258-8069[email protected]
Contract/Bid AwardsPurchasing Services612-624-2828[email protected]
Questions from MediaUniversity Relations612-624-2828320-589-6025
Salary RecordsPayroll Administration612-624-3869320-589-6025
Employment RecordsOffice of Human Resources612-625-8328320-589-6025
Other QuestionsRecords and Information Management612-625-3497[email protected]
Responsible Individuals
Responsible Officer Policy Owner Primary Contact
  • General Counsel
  • Senior Associate Director - Data Access & Privacy
  • Dan Volkosh
    Senior Associate Director - Data Access & Privacy


Active Records

Files needed to support the current business activity of a department. The active period may be determined by record category (see the University-wide Record Retention Schedule or individual unit retention schedules).

Inactive Records

Files for which the active period has passed and are being kept for the remainder of the specified retention period. May be located in a storage area or managed electronically.

University Records

Documents in any format (including written and printed matter, drawings, maps, plans, photographs; microforms; motion picture films, sound and video recordings; electronic data or copies made or received by an academic or administrative office of the University in connection with the transaction of University business, and retained by such office as evidence of the activities of the University.

Records Management

The systematic control of information from creation to final disposition.

Retention Period

The length of time a record must be kept to meet administrative, fiscal, legal or historical requirements.

University-Wide Retention Schedule

A listing of retention periods for University records.



Follow the University-wide Records Retention Schedule to manage active and inactive records. Appropriately dispose of information once the retention period has been met.


Retaining records according to the University-wide Record Retention Schedule, forwarding records to the University Archives when applicable, and disposing of University records properly once the retention period has been met.

Facilities Management

Manage the University’s recycling program and recycle materials in an appropriate manner.

Data Access and Privacy Office

  • Houses the University’s Records and Information Management (RIM) program. 
  • Provides guidelines and a timetable for storage of University records.
  • Develops and maintain records retention schedules that establish retention periods for University records based on and consistent with law and best practices.
  • Develops disposition procedures that provide appropriate security for private or confidential data.
  • Assists University staff on active management of University records in all formats to ensure that University records are maintained and protected according to standards and best practices.
  • Promotes the use of technology resources to efficiently manage and preserve University records.



October 2019 - Comp Review. Added two new appendices: Destroying University Information and Records and Guidelines for Storage of Information at Rosemount. Other minor changes to improve clarity.


January 2014 - Clarified Statement, Reason, Definitions and Responsibilities. Major revision to Administrative Procedure: Retention of University Records to increase level of detail in the procedure. Minor changes to clarify Administrative Procedure: Destruction of University Records. Title to this procedure changed from Disposing of University Records to Destruction of University Records.


July 2009 - Clarified role of Records and Information Management Program in Statement and Reason. Updated definitions, responsibilities and contacts sections. Title changed from Managing University Records Retention to Managing University Records and Information.


January 2003 - Added Retention Guidelines for Financial Documents to appendices.


December 1999


Retention, Archival, and Destruction of Records and Record Retention Schedule A
REPLACES: 4/89, 4/92, 1/93.