University of Minnesota  Administrative Policy

Student Employment

Policy Statement

Student employees are those individuals registered for classes who hold employment in non-academic student positions and undergraduate academic teaching and research assistant positions. Students must be enrolled for a minimum number of credits to obtain and continue in a student employment position. Refer to appendices: Work Study Student Employment and Non-Work Study Student Employment for specific information.

A student's primary purpose at the University is pursuit of their education. University employment opportunities and financial aid help students pay for the cost of their education. To fulfill this support, non-academic University jobs of 29 hours or less per week are to be posted as student positions where practical and appropriate. Units may request that a position be posted simultaneously for the comparable civil service or labor-represented staff position, but qualified University students will have first priority for these positions. Where it is impractical or inappropriate for a position to be student employment, the hiring authority must consult with a human resources staffing consultant before the position can be posted as a non-student position.

The University is committed to providing a safe and healthful working environment for employees. Employees are responsible for using any provided safety equipment and procedures in their daily work and must cooperate in all safety and accident prevention programs. Units will abide by all relevant required local, state and federal safety and health standards.

All qualified University students are accorded fair and equal opportunity to enter and continue in University employment on the basis of eligibility and qualifications.

Reason for Policy

This policy implements Board of Regents Policy: Employee Group Definitions. A system of student employment is provided by the University for the primary purpose of providing financial assistance to students and secondarily, to offer academic and career development opportunities.




Frequently Asked Questions

  1. In the case of posting a position of 29 hours or less, is it allowable to post a student position and an appropriately classified civil service or labor represented staff position simultaneously?

    Yes, it is permissible to post both a student position and a civil service or labor represented staff position simultaneously.


General Information or Procedural Assistance
  • Primary: Responsible administrator/supervisor
  • Secondary: Local campus, college, or administrative unit HR administrator
  • Other (as needed): Office of Human Resources specialist or consultant
612-624-UOHR (8647); 800-756-2363[email protected]
Document ProcessingOffice of Human Resources Call Center612-624-UOHR (8647)[email protected]
Work-Study AwardsOffice of Student Finance [email protected]
Work-Study SplitStudent Employment [email protected]
Responsible Individuals
Responsible Officer Policy Owner Primary Contact
  • Vice President, Office of Human Resources
  • Director - Leadership and Talent Development
  • See Contacts Table above


There are no definitions associated with this policy.



  • Classify the work responsibilities appropriately.
  • Have knowledge of the policies and procedures governing the student employee group;
  • Determine work hours.
  • Inform the student employee of the work schedule and performance standards (refer to Human Resources Template Letter Library).

Student Employees

  • Understand department work rules, work schedule, and performance standards.
  • Perform work as assigned.
  • Inform the supervisor/responsible administrator if discontinuing work.



July 2014 - Comprehensive Review. Policy revised to reflect student employment as assisting students with paying for the cost of their education, and streamlined with detail moved to appendices or eliminated.


May 2008 - Policy converted to the new University-wide format for administrative policies.


August 2006 - Student employment policy information extracted from Board of Regents Policy: Student Employment at the University and the Twin Cities Student Employment Rules. Edits were made; information was updated and expanded where appropriate and put in standard University-wide policy format. Repetition of policy information available in other policies was eliminated with appropriate references made. Work Rules information and processes were streamlined.

The following are particular revisions to note:

  • A Student Employment Advisory Committee for each campus has been created and replaces the former Student Employee Committee on each campus; and
  • Student job reclassifications are now approved at the department level.

The Administrative Policy: Student Employment supersedes previous student employment policy and rule information.


March 1989


November 1998 - Twin Cities Campus Student Employment Rules.


November 1998


July 1981 - Board of Regents Policy: Student Employment at the University.


January 2007