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Policy Statement
Paid Medical Leave
Eligible faculty members and academic professional and administrative (P&A) employees will be provided medical leave for the treatment of themselves, their dependent children, and their immediate family members in the following cases:
- a physical or mental health condition that prevents employee performance of any portion of their work duties for any period of time;
- to undergo a medical procedure, including match testing, to donate bone marrow or an organ or partial organ to another person;
- to care for or arrange care for an employee's dependent child because of a physical or mental health condition;
- to care for or arrange care for an employee's immediate family member because of a serious health condition as defined within the context of this policy; and
- for personal medical and dental appointments or for dependent child's or immediate family member's appointments when the presence of the employee is required.
The availability and length of paid medical leave varies according to the terms of the employee's appointment and the reason for the leave, as outlined in Appendix A: Paid Medical Leave Eligibility and Provisions.
Excluded from paid medical leave coverage under this policy are (1) adjunct or clinical appointments from outside the University, (2) affiliate appointments, (3) civil service and union-represented staff, (4) graduate assistants, (5) professionals-in-training employees, and (6) represented UMD faculty whose paid medical leave provisions are covered under a collective bargaining agreement.
Bone Marrow or Organ Donation
In accordance with state statute, employees who work an average of 20 or more hours per week will be granted a paid medical leave of absence of up to 40 work hours (five work days) to undergo a medical procedure, including match testing, to donate bone marrow or an organ or partial organ to another person. Additional paid medical leave is available under this policy.
Certification of Reason for Medical Leave
Employees who take medical leave based on a personal health condition, and the leave is expected to or does reach ten days, must file a claim with the University’s disability vendor and provide medical documentation to support the leave. The disability vendor will evaluate the documentation, determine the onset date of the disability, and certify the claim. The University or the disability vendor may request documentation from an authorized health care provider throughout the leave to support any request for medical leave. A delay in providing medical documentation or contacting the disability vendor could compromise medical leave benefits. Refusal to provide medical documentation can disqualify the employee from paid medical leave.
Medical Leave Payment Provisions
Medical leave payments are paid by the employee's department according to scheduled biweekly earnings, which may not exceed 100 percent of the employee’s salary as of the last full day of active work. If an employee is scheduled to receive pay for a period less than 12 months, medical leave pay is not provided during the months for which the employee does not receive pay.
An otherwise eligible employee who has been granted a full or partial unpaid leave and is subsequently medically unable to work during any portion of that period will not be paid for the percentage of the appointment that is treated as unpaid leave.
Employees will not receive medical paid leave under this policy if the disability vendor determines that the employee’s situation does not meet the definition of disability.
Report of Use of Medical Leave
Employees must provide documentation that reports the employee’s use of medical leave in increments of half or whole days, including the dates of the leave, as soon as is practical in the circumstances.
Return to Work
The University may require a health care provider’s certification or physician’s statement of the employee’s ability to return to work if the employee is returning to work under any restricted circumstances (e.g., partial return to work or work accommodation is requested) or if the employee is returning earlier or later than previously reported by the provider. If requested by the University, the employee must supply written documentation from their treating health care provider or physician regarding any restrictions along with the medical reason. The University offers employees services to assist with any disability or medical condition requiring accommodations or adjustments.
Disability Benefits
Eligible faculty (including UMD represented faculty) and P&A employees who are unable to return to work following three months of medical leave because of their own health condition will be provided disability benefits in accordance with the University's Academic Disability Program. Benefits will only be paid if the claim is approved by the disability vendor at the time of payment.
Reason for Policy
This policy implements Board of Regents Policy: Employee Work-Life and Personal Leaves. Paid medical leave and disability benefits are provided by the University to minimize loss of compensation during a defined period of time when illness, injury, disability, or preventative medical care makes absence from the performance of duty unavoidable or in the best interest of the University and its employees. Paid medical leave and disability benefits are intended to be a financial safety net to help replace University-paid wages that are expected to be paid to the employee. Benefits will not be paid during those times when income is not expected, such as during an unpaid work break or during an unpaid leave of absence. Provisions specific to bone marrow or organ donation are provided in accordance with state statutes. This policy also supports faculty members and P&A employees who need time away from work to attend to family members with serious health conditions.