Table of Contents
Please use the contact section in the governing policy.
Medical Leave Request
For Self
The employee requests medical leave from the responsible administrator/supervisor at the earliest opportunity for a physical or mental health condition that prevents the performance of any portion of work duties. A request for leave to undergo a medical procedure to donate bone marrow or to donate an organ or partial organ to another person must be accompanied with a health care provider's written verification.
When medical leave is based on the employee’s own health condition, and the leave is expected to or does reach two weeks, the employee or a family member or other person with knowledge of the medical situation and physician contact information must call the University's disability vendor to file a claim (PDF) for benefits and must provide the required documentation to certify the leave.
For Dependent Child
At the earliest opportunity, the employee requests from the responsible administrator/supervisor leave to be away from work to care for or arrange care for a dependent child because of a physical or mental health condition or for the child’s medical or dental appointments.
For Immediate Family Member
At the earliest opportunity, the employee requests time away from work to care for or arrange care for an immediate family member because of a serious health condition as defined in the related Administrative Policy: Medical Leave and Disability Benefits, or when there is a need to accompany such person to a medical or dental appointment.
The employee provides appropriate information regarding the number of days away from work that are covered by paid medical leave in increments of whole or half days based on the individual's regularly scheduled work time and according to departmental and/or campus, college, or administrative unit procedures. In the reason column, usage of days whether for self, dependent child, or immediate family member care should be noted.
The responsible administrator/supervisor ensures that use of medical leave is appropriately tracked for uses of paid medical leave for self, dependent child, or immediate family member as defined under the policy. Departments, campuses, colleges, or administrative units oversee reporting and tracking of all medical leave usage.