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Policy Statement
The University protects the rights of students with respect to their education records. Education records, as defined by Board of Regents Policy: Student Education Records, generally include any personally identifiable records maintained about a student by the institution, including academic, disciplinary, and administrative records. Each campus must:
- provide students with an annual notice of their rights as required by Family Education Rights and Protective Act (FERPA),
- regulate access to education records in accordance with law and policy,
- maintain records as required by law and policy,
- provide students with the right to request amendment to their education records they believe are inaccurate, misleading or inappropriate,
- respond in writing to requests to amend records and provide due process as required by law for any such requests, and
- provide records as required by federal and state law, from all units at the University, in response to a student's request that records be provided.
Access to student records. School officials must have access to student information, if their responsibilities require access to that information for educational, administrative, or research purposes in the performance of their job duties. University employees who have access to student education records are obligated to carefully protect them and will be held accountable for safeguarding them. University employees who violate the policy or procedures may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment (or consistent with applicable University policies and procedures and applicable civil and criminal sanctions).
Distributing grades. The posting or sharing of grades or examination results with personally-identifiable information (i.e., student ID number, Social Security Number, student name) is prohibited. Examinations, papers, or any other graded materials that contain personally-identifiable student information (i.e., name, student ID number) should be distributed directly to the individual student or made available for pick up in departmental offices in a manner that ensures the privacy of each student's grade.
Student right to review. Students are entitled by law to review portions of their records at the University and to request amendments of such records if the student believes the records are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the privacy or other rights of the student. Such requests should be made and reviewed using Administrative Procedure: Submitting Requests and Releasing Records. All other requests to review or access records (i.e., background check, subpoena) should be referred to the Office of Data Access and Privacy.
Disclosure of student records, including disciplinary background checks. Personally-identifiable student information may only be released under the conditions outlined in the procedures or with the written permission of the student. When a student provides a valid authorization to release student records to a third party, all records that are legally covered by the authorization must be released as requested by the student. Units responding to external requests for information must ensure that the response includes all requested information that exists at the University while complying with applicable privacy law and policy.
Any breaches or suspected breaches of personally-identifiable student information, including inadvertent disclosures, should be reported according to Administrative Policy: Data Security Breach and/or using the UReport system.
Reason for Policy
This policy implements Board of Regents Policy: Student Education Records, and establishes procedures to ensure compliance with state and federal law governing student education records.