University of Minnesota  Crookston Campus Policy

Tailgating: Crookston


Please use the contact section below.

Policy Statement

The University promotes community-building activities for its faculty, staff, students, and visitors, and recognizes that tailgating has the potential to enhance athletic event experiences within a safe, responsible, and controlled environment.

Tailgating is permitted on game days in designated areas, during specified hours, and under the conditions specified in the Tailgating Rules. 


Individuals who violate this policy, the Tailgating Rules, or applicable policies, rules, or law may be assessed fines; lose their season tickets, parking, or tailgating privileges; be removed from campus; and, for students, be subjected to disciplinary action under Board of Regents Policy: Student Conduct Code.


In rare instances, the Chancellor may grant exceptions to the Tailgating Rules within the scope of the law.

This policy applies to the Crookston campus only.

Reason for Policy

To provide the framework for responsible tailgating on football game days that enhances the event experience, promotes a safe campus environment, and preserves the beauty of the campus.


Primary Contact(s)T. Dale Scully218-281-8505[email protected]
Secondary ContactMichelle Christopherson218-281-8369[email protected]
Secondary ContactStephanie Helgeson218-281-8422[email protected]
Responsible Individuals
Policy Owner Primary Contact
  • Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
  • T. Dale Scully
    Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs


There are no procedures supporting this policy.

Other Information




Eating food and drinking beverages (alcoholic or nonalcoholic) outdoors as part of pre-and post-game festivities in designated tailgating locations.


UMC Campus Security

  • Open and close designated tailgating areas on football game days.
  • Enforce applicable laws and Tailgating Rules on football game days.

UMC Chancellor

  • Administer the policy, including maintaining Tailgating Rules and communicating policy and rules for responsible tailgating to participants.
  • Determine, in consultation with appropriate University administrators, the University-authorized locations and hours for tailgating on football game days.

Related Information

Policy History

Effective Date
August 2017