University of Minnesota  Administrative Policy

Regents Tuition Benefit Program

Policy Statement

The University of Minnesota (University) is committed to investing in its employees and fostering a culture of excellence. The Regents Tuition Benefit Program (Program) provides eligible employees access to University credit-bearing education opportunities at a reduced tuition cost. This Program is an employee benefit offered by the University.   

The Program covers:

  • 100% of the tuition cost for eligible employees pursuing their first baccalaureate degree and who are admitted into a University baccalaureate program.
  • 75% of the tuition cost for eligible employees enrolled in all other courses or degrees covered under the Program.

Eligible employees must be enrolled in the University's credit-bearing courses for which registration requirements have been met. Employees may take courses at any University campus as the Program is not restricted to their primary work location. If an eligible employee is seeking a degree, they must follow the policies, requirements, and procedures of the college in which they are enrolled and will only be awarded a degree in programs where they have been formally admitted.

Employee Eligibility

The Program is available to faculty, P&A, civil service and labor represented employees who hold appointments of at least 75 percent time.

  • Employees on approved leaves of absence from qualifying appointments, including sabbatical or professional development leaves, may use this program.
  • Employees on academic year appointments may use this program for summer session courses if they were employed the preceding spring term and they will be employed the following fall term.
  • With the required approval, former eligible civil service and labor represented employees who are on the layoff list have access to the Program, but are limited to two courses per term.

Excluded from coverage under this policy are graduate assistants, professionals-in-training, employees of affiliate organizations, and family members and/or dependents of employees.

Costs Covered

The Program applies only to tuition costs. Non-tuition fees are not covered, including but not limited to books and course materials, supplemental material fees, course fees, technology fees, collegiate fees, late payment fees. Tuition and non-tuition fees are billed to the employee's student receivable account. Employees who are not Minnesota residents will have a non-resident tuition waiver included with their tuition benefits.

The University manages and funds this program at the University level. Departments may not use any additional University funding including non-sponsored, private, public, noncurrent, discretionary, professional development and/or departmental scholarship or grant funds to cover the employee contribution portion of the tuition cost. 

In specific situations where a department requests or requires the employee to enroll in a particular University course, it may be permissible for the department to pay the tuition cost in full as a professional development business expense but not in conjunction with the Program. Refer to Administrative Policy: Business Expenses for guidance on this type of expense allowability.

Eligible Courses

Courses Covered

This program covers credit bearing courses offered for academic credit that appear on a University transcript.

Credit bearing courses not covered under this program include study abroad courses offered through the Learning Abroad Center (Twin Cities) or individual campuses.

It is the prerogative of the University to restrict the coverage of additional programs/courses not currently addressed in this policy. 

Local units and departments may choose to allocate funds toward non-covered courses. Units may not augment funds for courses where tuition benefits are provided by the Program.

Taxation of Benefit

The value of this benefit may be taxable income to the employee. Employees are responsible for understanding tax consequences prior to enrolling. See the Appendix: Tax Implications of Regents Tuition Benefit Program for more information.

Timing and Approval

Employees should submit the Request for Regents Tuition Benefit Program form prior to the first billing date of the registration term. Late submissions are not guaranteed to be covered under the Program.

Employees are expected to have a discussion with their supervisor if they are interested in taking any class or class component (e.g., lab or discussion) at the same time as their work schedule or hours. Supervisors are expected to discuss work schedules and accommodations for classes that occur during regular work schedules. Supervisors need to indicate whether or not they approve this time away; but if a request is denied, rationale for this denial must be shared with the employee and indicated on the Request for Regents Tuition Benefit Program form. Any time away must be administered in accordance with rules, laws or labor agreements under which the employee is governed.

The Senior Director for Total Rewards may grant an exception to this policy and associated procedure under rare and unusual circumstances, provided the exception remains consistent with Board of Regents policy. Any exceptions granted will be documented in writing.

Reason for Policy

This policy implements Board of Regents Policy: Employee Development, Education, and Training. The Regents Tuition Benefit Program for eligible employees is offered by the University in support of contributing to a culture of excellence through educational investments in its employees.


General Information or Procedural AssistanceOffice of Human Resources Call Center612-624-UOHR (8647)[email protected]
Information for Employees on Layoff ListOffice of Human Resources Call Center612-624-UOHR (8647)[email protected]
RegistrationTwin Cities - One Stop Service CentersUse email[email protected]
Crookston - Office of the Registrar218-281-8548[email protected]
Duluth - One Stop Student Services218-726-8000[email protected]
Morris - One Stop Student Services320-589-6030[email protected]
Rochester - One Stop Student Services507-280-1299[email protected]
Responsible Individuals
Responsible Officer Policy Owner Primary Contact
  • Vice President, Office of Human Resources
  • Senior Director - Total Rewards
  • Mary Rohman Kuhl
    Senior Director - Total Rewards


Credit bearing courses

Undergraduate or graduate educational courses taken at the University that lead to a credit at the end of the term and ultimately are reported on the student’s transcript.

Non-credit bearing courses

Undergraduate or graduate courses that do not meet the definition of credit-bearing course. Examples include, but are not limited to, courses offered through the College of Continuing and Professional Studies (CCAPS), preparatory courses such as GMAT or MCAT, Student Union and Activities (SUA) offerings, and Recreation and Wellness (RecWell) programs and classes.

First baccalaureate degree

A baccalaureate degree earned from the University or any institution other than the University, including an equivalent degree earned in another country.

Affiliate organizations 

Those organizations associated or partnering with the University and whose employees are not University employees. Examples include, but are not limited to, University of Minnesota Physicians (UMP), M Health Fairview, and YMCA.


Employee requesting Regents Tuition Benefit Program

  • Follows all policies and procedures associated with the Program.
  • Completes the Request for Regents Tuition Benefit Program form and necessary registration steps in a timely manner.
  • If applicable, discusses alternative work scheduling with their supervisor when classes or components are during their work schedule.
  • If applicable, resubmits the Request for Regents Tuition Benefit Program form if coursework changes from original request.
  • Pays for employee portion of the tuition amount required and/or those costs not covered under the Program.
  • Takes responsibility to learn about relevant tax implications of the Program, which are detailed in the Appendix: Tax Implications of Regents Tuition Benefit Program.

OHR Contact Center

  • Confirms the requesting employee is eligible for the Program.
  • Confirms Program requests for civil service/union-represented staff employees on the layoff list with the Layoff Coordinator.
  • Confirms the employee on the layoff list is not taking more than two classes per term.


  • Provides authorization for time away from work and alternative work scheduling, if applicable, pursuant to this policy and applicable rules and contract language.
  • Confirms that an employee on an academic appointment (9 or 10 month term) using the Program for a summer class will be working in the fall.

Tax Management Office

  • Maintains the tax appendix to the policy.
  • Is a resource for units and departments regarding applicable income tax implications of the Program.
  • Receives, reviews and approves Job-Related Graduate Course Exclusion Applications.

Related Information



March 2024. Comprehensive Review.

  1. Renamed policy from "Regents Scholarship Program" to "Regents Tuition Benefit Program" so employees know this is a benefit and do not need to be selected for scholarship.
  2. Policy language simplified.
  3. Form simplified and levels of approval streamlined.
  4. Removed "typically one course per semester" phrasing.
  5. Simplified tax documents and provided clarity on taxable vs. non-taxable.


June 2019 - Comprehensive Review. Minor Revisions: Policy statement strengthened to include language prohibiting departmental funds to supplement scholarship funds and prominently state potential tax consequences. Also, policy statement now includes welcoming opening statement regarding purpose and intent. Form improved. Appendix modified.


July 2014 - Comprehensive Review, Minor Revision.

  1. Incorporates minor revisions to the policy language and structure, which will align with similar changes on all HR policies.
  2. Reorganizes and simplifies the eligibility language.


June 2012 - A change was made to the program providing for 100% tuition coverage rather than the current 90 % for eligible employees matriculated for the first time in a baccalaureate degree program.


June 2009 - The following revisions were made:

  1. The Regents Scholarship will cover a prescribed portion of tuition costs with the employee contributing the remaining amount.
  2. Language was added regarding pro-rated tuition benefits should an employee voluntarily terminate University employment during the semester in which the person is taking a course covered by the Regents Scholarship Program.
  3. Language was added for individuals who have received a non-renewal or layoff notice regarding Regents Scholarship tuition benefit coverage during the semester in which their appointment ends.
  4. Information regarding tax implications of the Regents Scholarship Program was moved to an Appendix and updated.
  5. Procedural language within the policy was moved to the Procedure document.

These revisions become effective for Fall term 2009 enrollment.


February 1994 - Academic Staff Tuition Benefit Certification Policy and Procedures


April 1966 - Board of Regents Policy: Regents' Scholarship Program


February 2007