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Policy Statement
Eligible academic professional and administrative (P&A) employees (93xx, 96xx, and 97xx) are provided opportunities for professional development leaves, to include mini, short-term, and extended leaves. Excluded from coverage are professionals-in-training, graduate assistants, civil service and union-represented staff, and “Without Salary” appointments. Specific eligibility for these leaves varies according to job classification, type of leave, and years of service. Leaves pursuant to this policy are not entitlements and require approval. Units are expected to offer opportunity for professional development to eligible P&A employees and to have guidelines and procedures that provide more specific detail regarding leave opportunities.
Professional Development Leaves
Refer to the Appendix: Professional Development Leaves for Academic Professional and Administrative Employees for information regarding types and duration of leaves, salary and benefits provided during leaves, and service eligibility requirements.
P&A employees must demonstrate that activities undertaken during a professional development leave are related to the betterment of the P&A employee's unit or professional competence. Development activities may include:
- Study: studies substantially related to the position or positions;
- Internships: (a) exchange and/or loan programs or (b) unpaid internships;
- Research: (a) leading to or resulting in publishing and (b) contributions to the field of applicant's current employment; and
- Other: special studies, investigations, research, scholarly writing, artistic projects, and curriculum development.
Involvement in professional organizations, including attending and presenting at local, regional, or national meetings, is an expectation of P&A employees and does not constitute professional development leave under this policy.
While on leave, P&A employees are relieved of all regular University duties because typically the leave is taken at 100 percent time. It is the responsibility of the unit granting the leave to determine if and how funding and replacement costs will be provided. No central monies are available.
Eligibility for Leave
P&A employees may be granted mini, short-term, and extended leaves with a notice of appointment that is (1) a minimum of nine months at 100 percent time; or (2) twelve months at 75 percent time or greater. Professional development leaves are awarded based on years of service, criteria established within each unit, and approval by the responsible administrator. Criteria are to include standards by which to evaluate the merits of the proposal and an assessment of the availability of resources to support the leave. Refer to the Procedures section in this policy for specific information on counting years of service.
Income and Benefits during Leave
Salary and Benefits:
- Mini-Leave: full salary and full benefits. Refer to Appendix to Policy for requirements based on duration of leave.
- Short-Term Leave: one-half to full salary (at unit discretion) and full benefits
- Extended Leave: one-half salary and full benefits.
Income Augmentation:
With the approval of the responsible administrator, P&A employees on an extended leave may augment their income approximately to the level of their regular University salary, provided that the activities yielding the additional compensation are consistent with the purpose of the leave. University-approved consulting activities that do not conflict with the purposes of the leave and comply with University policy are not included in determining the level of permissible income. Expenses related to the purpose of the leave may also be taken into account in determining the level of permissible income. While on a professional development leave, P&A employees may accept grants or scholarships to defray travel, study, or research expenses.
- P&A employees granted a professional development leave must return to the unit granting the leave for a period of time equal to the period of the leave, unless provided a written waiver by the unit administrator.
- P&A employees who do not return or return for only a portion of the time due and have not been granted a written waiver by the responsible administrator must reimburse the University for all or a prorated amount of the salary, retirement contributions, and value of benefits received during the leave. The responsible administrator/supervisor will grant a written waiver to P&A employees who receive a notice of non-renewal during the period of the professional development leave at the time of the notice. In such cases, employees are not required to return to their unit for a period at least equal to the period of leave and are not required to reimburse the University for the amount of salary, retirement contributions, and all other fringe benefits received during the leave pursuant to this policy.
- The P&A employee will provide a summary report of leave activities to the responsible administrator/supervisor upon request shortly after returning from leave.
Rescinding a Leave
A professional development leave may be rescinded if P&A employees are given notice of non-reappointment (for an academic professional employee on a probationary [H] appointment) or termination of appointment.
Reason for Policy
This policy implements Board of Regents Policies: Employee Compensation and Recognition and Employee Development, Education, and Training. Professional development leaves are provided by the University as an opportunity to develop or enhance knowledge, skills, and performance of academic professional and administrative (P&A) employees. The professional development leave benefit is important for attracting, hiring, and retaining highly competent P&A employees. Maintaining or increasing expertise in rapidly changing fields, both in teaching and research, is an important outcome of the administrative leave benefiting the individual, students, and the institution.