University of Minnesota  Procedure

Obtaining a Professional Development Leave


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Please use the contact section in the governing policy.

Determination of Years of Service for a Professional Development Leave

  1. Earning Service Credit
    An academic or fiscal year of service must be earned within a professional and administrative appointment (93xx, 96xx, 97xx). All other eligibility requirements as defined in this policy must be met.
  2. Loss of Service Credit
    Accumulation of years of service toward professional development leave is lost upon resignation or retirement, or notice of non-renewal or termination of an employee’s professional and administrative appointment within the University.
  3. Use of Service Credit
    Except for mini-leaves, years of service credit cannot be used for more than one professional development leave.

Communication Regarding P&A Professional Development Leaves

  1. Procedures
    The college/department is expected to provide to P&A employees, policy and procedures relating to the availability of professional development leaves.

Application for a Professional Development Leave

  1. Application Procedures
    Each unit will develop process and procedures for review and awarding of professional development leaves in accordance with policy. The unit administrator may appoint a review committee to make recommendations on leave requests.
  2. Requesting a Professional Development Leave
    A P&A employee interested in a professional development leave should complete and submit an application form UM 1633: Professional Development Leave for Academic Professional and Administrative Employees in accordance with unit procedures. In addition to the completed application form, the applicant should include: resume, letters of recommendation/endorsement, anticipated benefits to individual and unit, and suggested arrangements to cover work during leave.

Approval of a Professional Developmental Leave

The responsible administrator in accordance with unit procedures approves requests for professional development leaves.

Decision Regarding on Time of Leave

The responsible administrator must agree to the time at which an approved leave is taken. The time at which a short-term or extended leave is taken does not have to coincide with semester dates.

Leave Report

Upon request of the responsible administrator and within approximately one month of the conclusion of the professional development leave, the P&A employee taking the leave is to provide a report of leave activities. Suggested guidelines for what should be included in the report are:

  1. a statement of purpose and goals;
  2. a description of how the goals were met or not met;
  3. benefit to the recipient and the administrative unit; and
  4. a proposal plan for implementing or applying the new knowledge; and suggestions for future applicants.