University of Minnesota  Administrative Policy

Bereavement Leave for Faculty and Academic Professional and Administrative Employees

Policy Statement

The University provides eligible faculty and academic professional and administrative (P&A) employees with paid bereavement leave upon the death of an immediate or other family member or University colleague as defined in this policy. This leave is granted for purposes of:

  • Attending the funeral, services, ceremonies, and/or interment.
  • Making necessary arrangements.
  • Travel related to the death.
  • Bereavement time.

Excluded from coverage under this policy are academic appointments that are adjunct or clinical appointments from outside the University, graduate assistants, or professionals-in-training.

Bereavement Leave for Faculty and P&A Employees

Faculty and P&A must provide notice of absence due to the death of an immediate or other family member at the earliest possible time, and the likely length of absence from work, to the responsible administrator/supervisor.

The following chart details a faculty member's and P&A employee's eligibility and provisions related to the death of a family member or University colleague.

Faculty/P&&A Eligibility for Bereavement Leave
Relation to EmployeeEmployee Appointment EligibilityProvisions
Immediate Family Member67-100% time appointmentUp to three work days paid bereavement leave and up to two additional paid work days of leave at the discretion of the responsible administrator/supervisor and upon consideration of the funeral location (local or long distance) and other pertinent factors
Less than 67% time appointmentOne work day paid bereavement leave.
Other Family MemberAny percent time appointmentsOne work day paid bereavement leave.
University ColleagueAny percent time appointmentsReasonable paid (typically less than one day) bereavement leave time away from work to attend the funeral or service.

In the circumstance of the death of a University colleague, leave is subject to the needs of the department as determined by the responsible administrator/supervisor and the department or administrative unit head.

Extended Absence

At the discretion of the responsible administrator/supervisor, the employee may use available vacation time and/or unpaid personal leave to accommodate absences not covered by paid bereavement leave provisions. In support of employees who experience a significant personal loss, the University strongly encourages responsible administrators/supervisors to be flexible in granting requests for additional paid (as available and appropriate) and unpaid leave time beyond the paid bereavement leave provisions.

Reason for Policy

The University provides bereavement leave for eligible employees in support of faculty and academic professional and administrative employees experiencing a significant personal loss due to the death of an immediate or other family member, and to provide for a consistent benefit and uniform application across the University. This policy gives further definition to Board of Regents Policy: Employee Work-Life and Personal Leaves.




Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is there any possibility for additional paid bereavement leave time if the location of the funeral is a day’s travel away and there are significant family obligations and responsibilities involved?

    Yes. In the case of death of an immediate family member, the responsible administrator/supervisor may grant up to two additional paid work days of leave upon consideration of the funeral location, cultural expectations, rituals, ceremonies, obligations, responsibilities, and any other pertinent factors.

  2. What leave provisions are available for faculty members and P&A employees serving as pallbearers at a funeral?

    If a faculty member or P&A employee is serving as a pallbearer at the funeral of a person other than an immediate or other family member or colleague as described in this policy, vacation time or leave without pay must be used.

  3. If a faculty member or P&A employee is on vacation when the death of an immediate or other family member occurs, can the scheduled vacation time not yet taken be converted to bereavement leave?

    Yes, under such circumstances scheduled vacation time not yet taken can be converted to bereavement leave.


General Information or Procedural Assistance
  • Primary: Responsible administrator/supervisor
  • Secondary: Local campus, college, or administrative unit HR administrator
  • Other (as needed): Office of Human Resources specialist or consultant
612-624-UOHR (8647); 800-756-2363[email protected]
Document ProcessingOffice of Human Resources Call Center612-624-UOHR (8647)[email protected]
Responsible Individuals
Responsible Officer Policy Owner Primary Contact
  • Vice President, Office of Human Resources
  • Senior Director - Total Rewards
  • See Contacts Table above


Immediate Family Member

(1) The spouse, (2) the employee’s: (a) biological, adoptive, step, or foster child or ward; (b) parent or parental equivalent; or (c) sibling, and (3) the employee’s spouse’s: (a) biological, adoptive, step, or foster child or ward; (b) parent or parental equivalent; or (c) sibling.

Other Family Member

Children-in-law of the employee or spouse; and grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces or nephews, and first cousins of the employee.


Unit Human Resource Administrator

  • Establish unit-specific guidelines and procedures for paid bereavement leave.
  • Inform responsible administrators/supervisors and impacted employees of the policy and procedures.

Faculty Member or P&A Employee

  • Inform responsible administrator/supervisor of the death of an immediate or other family member at the earliest possible time and request the anticipated number of days of paid bereavement leave needed as provided under this policy.
  • Request additional paid (e.g., vacation) or unpaid (e.g., personal) leave as needed.

Responsible Administrator/Supervisor

  • Review and approve requests for up to two additional paid bereavement leave days in situations involving the death of an immediate family member.
  • Review and approve requests for additional paid or unpaid leave for extended time away from work for bereavement-related purposes.

Office of Human Resources

  • Advise the unit/campus human resource administrator and/or responsible administrator/direct supervisor with regard to documented need and process.



March 2019 - Comprehensive Review. Minor Revisions. 1. Eliminates references to outdated forms or processes. 2. Improves clarity around the table of eligibility and provisions related to the death of a family member or University colleague.


May 2008 - Policy converted to the new University-wide format for administrative policies.


August 2007