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Policy Statement
All keys and access control devices for University of Minnesota buildings are the property of the University. Any additions or modifications, including upgrading to electronic access control, must comply with the University design standards from the department of Capital Planning and Project Management (CPPM). The addition of equipment or altering equipment that circumvents the existing security without compliance to the CPPM standards is strictly prohibited.
Campuses, departments and units are required to manage all keys and access control devices held by their employees. This includes the possession, issuance, and storage of all keys and access control devices. Each campus, department or unit will have a Department Facilities Representative (DFR) to enforce this policy at the local level.
Individuals are prohibited from unauthorized possession, use, duplication, and changes to keys or access control devices. Individuals are also prohibited from bracing open doors equipped with access control devices. Violators of this policy will be subject to disciplinary actions from the University or criminal charges where appropriate.
Students, faculty, and staff are required to carry their University issued U Card when in University buildings outside of public hours. A U Card is valid only for currently enrolled students or currently employed faculty or staff members. The U Card must be presented upon request by law enforcement, security personnel, or a University employee acting within the purview of their job responsibilities. Anyone in a University building that is unable to present a valid U Card outside of public hours may be asked to leave. Refusal to comply could result in arrest and/or trespass from University property. Additional restrictions or requirements may apply to areas deemed to have a higher security standard.
Each campus must designate a unit that enforces compliance with this policy by performing key reviews, directing the production of all keys, requiring all card access and clearance requests in writing and annually updating the DFR list. See Site-Specific Access Information appendix.
Reason for Policy
This policy implements and aligns with Board of Regents Policy: Health and Safety. It sets minimum access standards that must be maintained throughout the University to protect the University's property and assets and to maximize personal safety; and defines door access systems and procedures for University facilities to ensure authorized access.
Providing proper access will help the University achieve its educational, research and employment goals by promoting personal health and safety, ensure that liability exposure is adequately controlled and minimized, and allow those involved in granting and gaining access to understand their individual responsibilities.