University of Minnesota  Procedure

Applying for Alcohol License


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Applying for an alcohol license

Prior to completing an application, units should review the corresponding procedure: Purchase and Handling of Alcoholic Beverages at Licensed Venues to understand the guidelines and obligations.

  1. Units must complete the University's Form UM 1784: Application for Alcohol License (DOCX) which requires the following information:
    • the unit's intended use of the alcohol license, including:
      • how the issuance of the license will contribute to the stewardship, development, and outreach opportunities for the University;
      • how the issuance of the license will further the mission of the department; and
      • how the sale and service of alcoholic beverages in the licensed venue will provide a significant revenue benefit to the operating unit or venue;
    • the source of funds that will be used for the license fee; and
    • the measures the department will have in place to address health and safety compliance including food safety and security.
  2. The completed application must be signed by the unit's dean or department head and the chancellor, vice president, provost or the senior vice president prior to submission to the ALOC.
  3. The completed applications must be submitted to the Primary Policy Contact(s) to bring to the ALOC  by December 1 of each year.
  4. The ALOC will evaluate the application and forward a recommendation to the President's Office.
  5. The President's Office will make the final determination as to whether or not to forward a recommendation to the Board of Regents for approval.
  6. The ALOC will notify units of the status of their application prior to consideration by the Board of Regents.

Requesting renewal of an alcohol license

  1. Licensure is granted by the State for a period of one year. Units are required to complete the University's Application for Alcohol License Review/Renewal (DOCX) form every three years.
  2. The completed renewal form must be received by the ALOC no later than December 1 of the year preceding the review.
  3. The ALOC will evaluate the Application for Alcohol License Review/Renewal form on factors including, but not limited to:
    • frequency and volume of events/usage;
    • ongoing justification of the programmatic or business need for the license;
    • whether the sale and service of alcoholic beverages from the previous years could have been effectively managed through the use of an Authorized Caterer;
    • efficacy of structure in place to support the sale and service of alcohol (e.g., inventory control, security measures); and
    • efficacy of controls in place to prevent sale of alcoholic beverages to minors.
  4. The ALOC will notify units of the outcome of the licensure review/renewal process.