University of Minnesota  FAQ

Parental Leave for Employees


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Please use the contact section in the governing policy.

  1. How does parental leave interact with other employee leaves, e.g. medical or sick leave, FMLA, etc.?

    An employee can take six weeks parental leave, without interruption, within 13 weeks of the event. Parental leave runs concurrently with FMLA, but will not be charged against other paid leaves, such as sick or medical leave. Other paid leaves may be taken prior to or after parental leave, and employees should refer to the appropriate administrative policy, governing rules or contract to determine their eligibility and the rules for taking these leaves.

  2. Would an employee be eligible for additional leave in the event of a caesarean section?

    An employee who undergoes a caesarean section would likely qualify for additional time under the applicable medical leave of sick leave for physical recovery. Refer to the applicable bargaining unit contract, governing rules, or to  Administrative Policy: Paid Medical Leave and Disability Benefits for Faculty and Academic Professional and Administrative Professional and Administrative Employees for provisions.

  3. Is paid leave extended when a holiday occurs during parental leave?

    The parental leave policy language refers to weeks leave with pay, rather than work days leave with pay. Thus, no additional paid days are added when a holiday occurs.

  4. How are appointments during May or summer session and for extension classes counted towards eligibility?

    May or summer session appointments will be counted at the percentage time for the dates shown on the employee’s appointment or, if pay is hourly, on the actual hours paid. Appointments in extension classes paid on a credit hour basis will be counted as 30 hours per term for each credit taught. Noncredit courses will be counted on the basis of ten contact hours in the classroom per credit. Short-term conferences, seminars, workshops, or independent study activities are not counted.

  5. Are egg or sperm donors covered by this policy?

    No, unless the donor is also an intended parent of the child.

  6. Are foster parents covered by this policy?

    No, foster parents as defined by this policy and undergoing a foster care placement are not covered. If a foster parent chooses to adopt, the adoption event is covered under this policy.

  7. Can an employee on a 9-month appointment with a separate summer appointment take Parental Leave during the summer appointment?

    An employee on a 9-month appointment is eligible to take Parental Leave during a summer appointment provided the employee is on a 50% summer appointment or greater. To the extent the summer appointment is paid via grant, contracts, gifts, non-sponsored funds or other funds, consult with your supervisor for appropriate guidance. In cases where grant agreements or non-sponsored funds prohibit using funding for a leave of absence, consult with the department head or Chair as the leave of absence will need to be paid through general funds.

  8. Can the parental leave of someone on a 9-month appointment be split across the academic year and summer appointments?

    Yes, the 9 month appointment will be placed on Paid LOA and then Short Work Break. The summer appt will be entered as Rehire/Summer Appt then another row with sequence 1 for remaining Paid LOA time.

  9. When approving a parental leave that will occur during a summer appointment, are there any special considerations that the supervisor should be aware of?

    As long as the employee meets Parental Leave eligibility requirements (i.e., employee on 50% Summer appointment or greater), the leave should be approved. Employees should talk to their responsible administrator/supervisor regarding taking parental leave as soon as reasonably practicable when scheduling the Parental Leave.