University of Minnesota  Administrative Policy

In-Range Salary Adjustments for Civil Service Employees

Policy Statement

Administrators/supervisors have an option of granting civil service employees in-range salary adjustments outside of pay increases executed through annual pay plans. Reasons for such increases in salary are limited to the categories of market, merit, retention, internal equity, and workload adjustments. Units should use this type of salary adjustment with discretion, and only after consideration of the impact to all positions within a department or larger unit. In-range salary adjustments will be applied judiciously and in full compliance with the criteria and procedures as defined in this policy.

Provisions and Terms

Civil service employees may be awarded in-range salary adjustments.

Excluded from coverage under this policy are:

  • union-represented staff;
  • student employees; and
  • individuals on academic appointments including faculty, academic professional and administrative employees, and graduate assistants.

Types and Criteria for In-Range Adjustments

  1. Market Adjustments
    Units may provide an in-range salary adjustment where an incumbent's placement within the salary range is not consistent with relevant market data. The responsible administrator/supervisor may initiate a temporary augmentation of the affected employee's salary, if the perceived market problem is such that a unit is in danger of losing employees within a classification (job code) before the Office of Human Resources completes a market analysis and a final decision is made on the amount and continuation of any increases.
  2. Merit Adjustments
    A responsible administrator/supervisor may award a merit adjustment if that responsible administrator/supervisor determines that an employee's performance is especially meritorious. The performance appraisal must document an exceptional level of performance.
  3. Retention Adjustments
    Civil service employees may be awarded a retention adjustment to counter a bona fide employment offer from outside the University.
  4. Internal Equity Adjustments 
    Colleges and administrative units are responsible for establishing and maintaining equitable pay relationships within their work units. Factors to consider in determining equitable pay relationships are: documented employee work performance, employee credentials, and employee salary history at the University.

    Internal equity increases may be recommended whenever an equity problem is discovered. Colleges and units must have consistent hiring and promotion practices. Departments making salary offers to new employees are expected to evaluate the new employee's overall credentials against the salary, credentials, and performance record of existing staff in order to preserve internal equity within the work unit.

    In the rare event that a unit hires a similarly qualified new employee at a pay rate greater than that of similarly qualified incumbents in the same classification, the responsible administrator may recommend an in-range salary increase to bring incumbents pay into an equitable relationship. The responsible administrator/supervisor will review the documented work performance as well as credentials of current employees in making pay decisions.

  5. Workload Adjustments 
    Due to the elimination of positions and/or greater need to increase the unit's effectiveness and efficiency, units may sometimes need to increase an employee's workload. The assignment of higher level responsibilities may result in a reclassification to a higher classification (job code) for the incumbent. Often the additional or new duties do not rise to the level which would justify a change in classification. Where there are extreme and documented increases in the workload, the responsible administrator/supervisor may recommend an in-range adjustment to recognize the additional effort.

Reason for Policy

The University understands the business need of providing an option to increase an employee's salary distinct from increases that result from annual pay plans. This policy provides for such need.


Subject Contact Phone Email
General Information or Procedural Assistance for Faculty and P&A employees
  • Primary: Responsible administrator/supervisor
  • Secondary: Local campus, college, or administrative unit HR administrator
  • Other (as needed): Office of Human Resources specialist or consultant
612-624-UOHR (8647); 800-756-2363 [email protected]
Market Survey Human Resources Consultant 612-624-UOHR (8647); 800-756-2363 [email protected]
Document Processing Office of Human Resources Call Center 612-624-8647 (4-UOHR) [email protected]
Responsible Individuals
Responsible Officer Policy Owner Primary Contact
  • Vice President, Office of Human Resources
  • Senior Director - Total Rewards
  • See Contacts Table above


In-Range Salary Adjustment
An increase to an individual's salary to bring the employee’s pay more in line with the market based on the person’s overall job mastery. Total base pay with this increase must fall within the employee’s current job classification's salary range. This type of increase is distinct from one that results from annual pay plans.


Responsible Administrators/Supervisors
Responsible for assessing the need for salary adjustment action according to the criteria stated in this policy and for providing an appropriately documented recommendation.
Chancellor, Vice Chancellors, Provost, Vice President, Dean, or designee
Evaluate and approve or deny the recommendation for an in-range salary adjustment. Units may have more detailed process guidelines related to this type of salary adjustments for departments reporting to them (optional).
Unit/Campus HR Administrator
Maintain compensation guidelines and strategies, including in-range salary adjustments, in partnership with the Office of Human Resources and unit departments
Office of Human Resources Consultant
Responsible for advising the unit-campus human resource administrator and/or the senior administrator, responsible administrator, and/or the direct supervisor with regard to documented need and process.

Related Information

There is no related information associated with this policy.


April 2018 - Comprehensive Review, minor revisions. 1. Includes unit Human Resources administrator within the responsibilities. 2.Changes from passive voice to active voice.
May 2008 - Policy converted to the new University-wide format for administrative policies.
March 2000 - Additional information provided and greater clarity given; information reformatted.
June 1995
February 1995