University of Minnesota  Procedure

Hiring Without a Search


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Governing Policy


Please use the contact section in the governing policy.

Each unit establishes its own approval process for filling a vacancy or creating a new position. Check with the supervising unit for instructions on how to gain approval to pursue any type of no-search hire.

Units may not extend an offer to prospective hires before obtaining prior approval. Units must submit required documentation to the appropriate approval authority for consideration.

Approval Process and Documentation Required
ElementsDistinguished Faculty HireFaculty Spousal/Partner Hire
Allowable circumstancesOpportunity to hire an individual when it’s unlikely that a search will result in a more qualified candidate and when the hire will enhance the reputation of the academic disciplineOpportunity to hire an individual for which their faculty spouse/partner has been hired or is under consideration or as part of a retention effort of their faculty spouse/partner
Approval Authority
  • Requires unit tenured faculty’s positive recommendation if tenure offered
  • Dean
  • Provost
  • If it is a tenure/tenure-track or continuous P&A appointment, requires tenure or continuous appointment approvals
  • Dean/Administrative Unit Head, depending on position if faculty or postdoc
  • Provost
All written requests must include:
  • Position description
  • Curriculum vitae or resume
  • Letter that addresses:
    • Why this selection strategy is proposed instead of a search
    • How the professional expertise of the proposed hire impacts the unit’s priorities
Additional information required in the written request when the new hire is faculty
  • Statement of proposed appointment rank, academic appointment title, appointment type, salary, term, and percentage time of spousal/partner hire
  • Statement describing the funding arrangements for the proposed hire
  • Description of how the professional expertise of the proposed hire impacts the unit’s existing priorities and long-range plans
  • Analysis of credentials supporting the appointment in rank. If the appointment includes tenure or continuous status in the case of academic professionals, include results of a vote of tenured faculty or appropriate review committee. If ballot cannot be taken at time of hire, documentation must indicate that tenure or continuous appointment is contingent on the recommendation to be made at a later date
  • If proposed hire does not contribute to elimination of an affirmative action goal, provide description of a convincing pattern of affirmative action in HR activities of the unit
  • If hire is a spousal/partner hire, include the position description and curriculum vitae for primary hire and copy of hiring goals for each department affected by both hires, including an explanation of the impact of these hires on the goals