Table of Contents
Governing Policy
Please use the contact section in the governing policy.
The University makes every effort to provide a supportive and educational environment for students. Students who feel that their rights have been violated have access to a system of appeals established by the University for resolution of grievances or problems. It is the intent of the University to provide students with both informal and formal proceedings for processing grievances that pertain to academic matters.
All students are encouraged to attempt to resolve the issue with those University employees most directly involved. If the issues is not resolved at that level, the following procedures should be followed.
Academic Student Grievance, Concerns, and Complaints
The start of any grievance procedure is informal and at the lowest level between the parties directly involved. If a resolution is not found following the informal process, then the grievance may move to the formal process until resolution is achieved.
Grievances involving an instructor's judgment in assigning a grade based on academic performance may be resolved only through the informal resolution procedures described below. In other instances, if a resolution is not achieved, the matter may be pursued as a formal grievance in accordance with the Regents' Policy on Student Academic Grievance.
Examples of items involving instructor’s judgment would include course grade questions/concerns, graded work, grade calculation, and extra credit. Examples of items that do not involve instructor judgement would include class or instructor conduct; course content, procedures or accommodations; grade error, grade discrimination, or grade inconsistencies.
Grievance Procedure
- Visit with your instructor.
- Submit a written request to the instructor. State specifically what your concern is and what action you are requesting be taken to address the concern.
- Instructor is to respond in written form in a timely fashion (generally within one week during fall and spring semesters) to the written request of the student.
- If a resolution is not found, submit a written request to the department head.
- Visit with the department head of the instructor.
- Department head is to respond in written form in a timely fashion (generally within two weeks) to the written request of the student.
(if resolution was not found following the informal process)
- If a resolution is not found, submit a written request to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
- Visit with the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
- Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs is to respond in written form in a timely fashion (generally within two weeks) to the written request of the student.
- The decision of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs is final.
Understanding University Policies
Academic grievances are complaints brought by students regarding the University's provision of education and academic services affecting their role as students. Academic grievances must be based on a claimed violation of a University rule, policy, or established practice. This policy does not limit the University's right to change rules, policies, or practices.*
- All academic grievances will follow the procedures as outlined above.
- UMC will be considered to be one collegiate unit.
- The Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs may, but is not required to, constitute an Academic Grievance Committee and seek their review and recommendation on an academic grievance. At such times, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs will appoint a faculty or staff member who has no direct involvement in the grievance as the Academic Grievance Officer and chair of the Academic Grievance Committee. Members will be drawn from faculty, students, and academic staff. The Committee will be appointed and convened as needed to properly consider the grievance.
- The Academic Grievance Committee will hear all matters which may be properly brought before it under the conditions stipulated in the policy.
For information refer to the Administrative Policy: Addressing Student Academic Complaints or contact the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at 218-281-8341.
The University of Minnesota is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, or sexual orientation.
*The University of Minnesota Crookston hereby adopts these procedures to implement Administrative Policy: Addressing Student Academic Complaints as revised April, 2009.
Approved by Operations Committee, 9/26/95
Revised and approved by the Academic Standards & Policy Committee, 10/28/15.