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Policy Statement
Each campus will develop and maintain processes for the good faith review and resolution of student academic complaints that will:
- encourage informal resolution of alleged violations at the lowest unit level;
- allow for a formal resolution mechanism if not resolved informally; and
- provide for appeal to a final decision maker.
The final decision following appeal is not appealable further within the University.
Student academic complaints are brought by students regarding the University's provision of education and academic services affecting their role as students and must be based on a claimed violation of a University rule, policy, or established practice.
Student academic complaints do not include student complaints regarding:
- their University employment
- disciplinary action under Board of Regents Policy: Student Conduct Code
- grades
- University admission decisions
Relief Available
Resolution of complaints under this policy may include student reinstatement or other corrective action for the benefit of the student, including refunds, but may not award monetary damages, or direct disciplinary action against any employee of the University.
This policy does not limit the University's right to change rules, policies, or practices related to the provision of academic services and education.
Reason for Policy
To implement Board of Regents Policy: Conflict Resolution Process for Student Academic Complaints, and to comply with law, including Title IX. This policy provides a framework for resolving student academic complaints that is simple and fair and allows for both informal and formal resolution of conflicts. This policy implements criteria and requirements for accreditation established by the Higher Learning Commission.