Table of contents
Article I: General Powers
The College of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Minnesota is dedicated to improving the health of animals and people by discovering and disseminating new knowledge and skills, educating current and future veterinarians and biomedical scientists, and providing innovative veterinary services. The purpose of this document is to promote open communication among the faculty, professional and graduate students, staff, and the administration of the college. Toward this end, the constitution provides a democratic framework in which are defined the roles of the faculty, students, graduate students, staff and administration in initiating recommendations, formulating decisions and communicating the basis for decisions to those affected. Robert's Rules of Order (current edition) shall govern the procedures of all bodies except where inconsistent with, or inapplicable to, the Constitution or the Bylaws. Unless specified otherwise herein, the outcome of all elections shall be determined by simple majority of those casting ballots.
Article II: The Dean
1.0 The Dean
The general role of the dean of the college is to function as the chief academic and executive officer for the college. The dean is appointed by, reports to, and serves at the pleasure of the Executive Vice President and Provost. The dean is responsible and accountable for all activities and programs within the college. The dean is the principal spokesperson for the college and its constituent professions to the University, and in the public arena. The dean must be a veterinarian as specified in the accreditation standards of the American Veterinary Medical Association Council on Education.
2.0 General Responsibilities (With Respect to the College): The Dean
2.1 shall oversee all University and college policies and procedures within the college.
2.2 shall represent the college and its professions to various public constituencies.
2.3 shall lead the development of the college’s strategic plan.
3.0 Mission Leadership: The Dean
3.1 shall provide leadership for and be responsible for the quality, efficiency of delivery, relevance, and value of educational programs.
3.2 shall provide leadership in the development of research, be responsible for creating an environment of research creativity and innovation, and be responsible for the efficiency and performance of research programs administered within the college.
3.3 shall provide leadership and oversight for service programs, including access, quality, scope, and content of clinical programs, service, and outreach.
3.4 shall promote and provide leadership for the profession at the local and national levels.
4.0 Administration: The Dean
4.1 shall serve as chief academic and executive officer of the college.
4.2 shall delegate administrative authority within the college, including
- appointing all non-elected, college-wide committees in consultation with the Faculty and Administrative Councils and other collegiate consultative bodies;
- forming search committees for recruitment of new chairs, directors of centers, and professional and administrative positions; and
- appointing department chairs, associate deans, and center or University directors after consultation with the affected department, and the search committee (if any).
4.3 shall develop and manage the administrative support systems for the college.
4.4 shall lead the development and oversight of collegiate policies and procedures.
4.5 shall acquire the resources necessary for the college to fulfill its mission.
5.0 Fiscal Management: The Dean
5.1 shall develop a financial plan and budget consistent with the University’s framework and college’s strategic plan in consultation with the faculty and collegiate administrative bodies where appropriate.
5.2 shall exercise budgetary authority and accountability for all funds of the college from both internal and external sources.
5.3 shall manage the allocation of resources, oversight, and monitoring of financial performance.
5.4 shall guide the college’s development and fund-raising programs.
6.0 Human Resources: The Dean
6.1 shall develop a strategic and an annual plan for the college’s human resources.
6.2 shall allocate budgets and personnel in support of the plan.
6.3 shall assure effective human resource development.
6.4 shall oversee and implement policies and procedures within the college for performance evaluation, merit awards, promotion and tenure, and notify affected personnel at the earliest possible time.
6.5 shall oversee and implement University policies within the college relating to human resources, including recruitment, hiring, discipline, and dismissal.
6.6 shall meet annually with department chairs, associate deans, and center directors to review their performance and the operation of their units.
6.7 shall conduct a comprehensive review with a broad-based input every four years of department chairs, associate deans, and center directors in accordance with the provisions of the Minnesota Data Practices Act.
7.0 Governance: The Dean
7.1 shall join the Faculty Council at least annually in reporting the state of the faculty and budget compact request to the president of the University or the president’s designee (Constitution: Article IV, Section 3.2).
7.2 shall meet with departments and collegiate councils (as defined in Constitution: Article XII, Section 1.0) at least annually.
8.0 Appointment of the Dean
8.1 The dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine shall be appointed by the Board of Regents upon recommendation of the Executive Vice President and Provost. The Executive Vice President and Provost shall appoint a search committee to recommend candidates for the position of Dean. The CVM Faculty Council will be invited to provide a list of nominations for search committee membership. The Executive Vice President and Provost shall choose members of the search committee from these nominations and has the prerogative to add other members. The committee shall include, but not be limited to, representatives from: the college’s faculty (taken from across the range of collegiate departments and constituting a simple majority of the committee), staff, students and alumni. The Executive Vice President and Provost shall provide the search committee a written charge including a process for feedback about finalists. The search process should provide faculty, staff, and students with an opportunity to meet with or hear from candidates who are publicly announced as finalists for the position, and give feedback to the search committee. The Board of Regents shall appoint the dean upon recommendation of the Executive Vice President and Provost.
Article III: The Faculty
1.0 Membership
The faculty of the College of Veterinary Medicine shall be composed of all faculty.
1.1 The faculty shall include tenured, tenure-track, and contract professors, associate professors, and assistant professors with a 50 percent or greater appointment in the College of Veterinary Medicine.
2.0 Powers and Duties: The Collegiate Faculty
2.1 shall make recommendations concerning college policies to the administration through the department chairs, the Faculty Council, the standing committees, the dean and/or Administrative Council, as appropriate.
2.2 shall determine the curriculum for the DVM degree as recommended by the Committee on Curriculum and Educational Policy. (Bylaws III, Section 4.0)
2.3 shall elect representatives and alternate representatives to collegiate elected committees and faculty offices as well as the University Senate and associated governance bodies. (Constitution: Article IX; Bylaws II)
2.4 shall be evaluated annually according to the provisions of the University of Minnesota tenure code, human resources policies, and departmental merit review policies in accordance with regents' policies.
3.0 Faculty Meetings
3.1 Meetings shall occur at least once each academic session at the call of the dean who will provide an agenda at least five working days in advance.
3.2 A simple majority of the collegiate faculty shall constitute a quorum. Online, off-site participants shall be included as part of this quorum.
3.3 If a quorum is called, and if enough faculty are not present to constitute a quorum, the item under discussion will be discussed at a special faculty meeting or will be voted on by the faculty via a written or electronic ballot.
3.4 Representatives from the Administrative Council and the Faculty Council shall have the opportunity to present reports at all regular faculty meetings. Representatives from the dean's office and from the elected, appointed, and ad hoc committees of the faculty shall have the opportunity to present reports at all regular faculty meetings. The reports shall be made a part of the minutes of the faculty meeting.
3.5 Non-faculty, students, graduate students, and staff may be invited by the dean or Faculty Council to participate in specific meetings and shall have the right of the floor but shall not vote.
3.6 Special faculty meetings shall be called by the dean on the dean’s own initiative, or in response to a petition by any ten members of the collegiate faculty, or by the Faculty Council. Such meetings shall not require the five working day notice required for a regular meeting.
3.7 A special faculty meeting without administrators present can be called by a petition of any ten members of the collegiate faculty or by a simple majority vote of the faculty council. Administrators are defined as anyone who is a member of the CVM Administrative Council. Such meetings shall not require the five working day notice required for a regular meeting. The chair of the Faculty Council or their designee will preside.
3.8 Presiding officer: The dean or designated representative shall preside. In the absence of the dean or a designated representative, the chair of the Faculty Council or a designated Faculty Council representative shall conduct the meeting; failing this, the Secretary of the Faculty shall preside.
3.9 The dean's office, in conjunction with the Secretary of the Faculty, shall generate and distribute agendas, associated documents, and minutes.
Article IV: The Faculty Council
1.0 Membership
The Faculty Council shall consist of nine members of the collegiate faculty together with the dean and/or official representative as ex-officio member. Members of the Administrative Council shall not be eligible for election to the Faculty Council. Elections to the Faculty Council shall occur in the spring of each year according to the procedures described below and in Bylaws II, Section 4.0. The term of office shall be three years. The CVM representative to the Faculty Advisory Committee on The Health Sciences (FACHS) shall be an ex-officio (non-voting) member unless they are also an elected member of the Faculty Council.
1.1 No more than four members of the Faculty Council shall be from any one department.
1.2 A member shall be eligible for a second consecutive term. The member shall again become eligible for election one year after completing a second term.
1.3 Each department shall have two representatives and an alternate. The two representatives and the alternate shall be nominated and elected departmentally. Additionally, there shall be three at-large members, serving staggered three-year terms. The at-large members will be nominated departmentally and elected in a college-wide election as defined in Bylaws II, Section 4.1-4.3.
2.0 Officers
2.1 Officers of the Faculty Council shall be a chair and chair-elect nominated from and elected by the members of the Faculty Council.
2.2 The terms of officers shall be one year for chair, one year for the chair-elect. After the one-year term as chair-elect, the chair-elect will serve as chair.
3.0 Powers and Duties: The Faculty Council
3.1 shall function in a consultative or liaison capacity to the faculty and dean on matters of faculty concern and college policy.
3.2 shall have the opportunity to generate an annual report and discuss faculty issues with the dean and the president of the University or designated representative. (Constitution: Article II, Section 8.1).
3.3 shall serve as steward of the Constitution and shall advise the collegiate administration, faculty, and other collegiate constituencies on appropriate implementation of the Constitution and Bylaws.
3.4 shall meet at least once per semester (Spring and Fall) with the Administrative Council. (Constitution: Article VI, Section 3.5).
3.5 chair or designee shall be a member of the collegiate Promotion and Tenure Committee. (Bylaws II, Section 5.11).
3.6 shall recommend to the dean and Administrative Council the names of faculty members to serve on appointed standing committees after having determined faculty preferences (Bylaws III, Section 1.0).
3.7 shall review at least annual reports from each standing committee as collected by the collegiate dean’s office.
4.0 Meetings
4.1 The dean or designee shall attend the meetings of the Faculty Council and shall have the right of the floor but shall not be eligible to vote.
4.2 Minutes shall be kept of all meetings for future reference. These minutes may be examined by any member of the faculty, except for portions designated as confidential by the Faculty Council.
4.3 An agenda shall be determined by the chair and shall be provided to all members (including ex-officio members) before each meeting.
4.4 Five voting members of the Faculty Council shall constitute a quorum.
4.5 Voting procedures within the council shall be the prerogative of the chair unless dictated otherwise by council membership.
4.6 The Faculty Council shall meet at least three times per semester.
Article V: Academic Professional and Administrative Staff
1.0 Academic professional and administrative (P&A) staff shall consist of 1) professional personnel who are assigned duties for enhancing the research, teaching, and/or service functions of the CVM; and 2) administrative personnel who are involved in development or execution of CVM policies or in directing, coordinating, or supervising activities in the CVM.
2.0 The academic P&A staff shall be governed by the University's governing policy regarding appointments of Academic Professional and Administrative Employees.
3.0 The academic P&A staff shall be evaluated annually within the academic or programmatic unit according to criteria defined for their specific positions in accordance with the University’s P&A policies and procedures.
Article VI: The Administrative Council
1.0 Membership
The dean shall appoint the Administrative Council whose membership will be composed of chairs of the various CVM departments, center directors, program directors, administrative directors, and associate deans. Other administrators may also be included at the pleasure of the dean. The chair of other CVM councils or their designated representatives may be invited to attend, where the subject matter is of concern to that constituency.
2.0 Officers
The dean or the dean's representative shall serve as chair of the Administrative Council.
3.0 Powers and Duties: The Administrative Council
3.1 shall meet at the call of the dean or representative.
3.2 shall serve in an advisory capacity to the dean on matters pertaining to the administration of the College.
3.3 shall undertake administrative functions assigned to it by the dean.
3.4 shall consider matters referred to it by the Faculty Council, other CVM councils, department chairs, center directors, or individual faculty members.
3.5 shall jointly meet at least once per semester (Fall and Spring) with the Faculty Council (Constitution Article IV, Section 3.4)
3.6 Changes in the number of departments, or the addition, merging or dissolution of programs, units, or centers shall be made by the dean and Administrative Council in consultation with the Faculty Council and with discussion with the faculty at one or more faculty meetings that involves a faculty vote to serve as advisory input.
4.0 Meetings
4.1 An agenda for meetings shall be prepared and distributed by the dean’s office.
4.2 Minutes of all meetings shall be kept for future reference.
Article VII: The Departments
1.0 The Departments
1.1 The CVM shall be administratively organized into academic units called departments.
1.2 The chief academic and administrative officer of each department shall be a chairperson.
1.3 The faculty of the department shall be tenured, tenure track, or contract faculty holding a 50 percent or greater appointment in that department. The voting privileges on intradepartmental issues may be extended to members of other departments holding a 50 percent or greater appointment by a simple majority of the faculty of that department.
2.0 Department Chairs
The department chair serves as the chief academic and administrative officer for the department. The chair is appointed by, reports to, and serves at the discretion of the dean. Chair appointments shall be reviewed annually and be renewable except as modified by specific fixed-term appointments. The chair is responsible and accountable for the performance of the department in all aspects of its mission: education, research, university service and outreach, and where applicable, clinical service.
More specifically, the chair’s responsibilities and areas of accountability are as follows:
3.0 With Respect to the College: The Chair
3.1 shall be a faculty member of one of the academic departments with at least a 75 percent appointment.
3.2 shall represent the department to the college as a whole, its leadership councils, and external constituencies as they relate to the department’s functions.
3.3 shall participate in the development of collegiate policy and support those policies in practice within the department.
3.4 shall participate in the development of collegiate strategic planning and implementation of activities in support of these plans.
3.5 shall participate in the development of interdepartmental and intercollegiate programs in support of the department’s mission.
3.6 shall be comprehensively reviewed every four years by the dean with input from faculty, staff, and selected external constituents. As part of the evaluation process, each faculty, staff and student will have an opportunity to review. (Constitution: Article II, Section 6.7).
3.7 shall nominate eligible faculty to serve as faculty senators to the Faculty Senate in conjunction with the faculty preference survey and faculty vote. (Constitution Article III, Section 2.4; Bylaws II, Section 2.3).
4.0 With Respect to the Departmental Mission: The Chair
4.1 shall recruit, retain, and develop the department’s faculty, both as individuals and as a coherent unit.
4.2 shall oversee, mentor, and actively work to enhance the development, work environment, and opportunities for faculty and staff in the department.
4.3 shall provide leadership and oversight for the content, quality, efficiency of delivery, relevance, and value of educational offerings of the departmental faculty and staff.
4.4 shall provide leadership in developing research programs of the department and in organizing resources and facilities necessary to support those programs.
4.5 shall provide leadership and oversight for departmental service programs, including access, quality, scope, and the content of clinical programs, outreach, and University service.
5.0 With Respect to Governance and Communication: The Chair
5.1 shall establish effective mechanisms for faculty input and involvement in the activities of the department and appropriate governance on matters relating to the department’s mission, including consulting with the faculty prior to initiating faculty searches.
5.2 shall serve as the principal conduit of information among the faculty of the department, collegiate administration, and other University administrative units.
6.0 With Respect to Administration: The Chair
6.1 shall provide oversight of all University, collegiate, and departmental policies and procedures within the department.
6.2 shall develop long-range strategic plans for resources needed by the department and develop strategies to secure those funds.
6.3 shall develop the departmental budget and monitor and oversee resources allocated to or earned by the department from all sources.
6.4 shall manage the allocation of all resources (fiscal, human, facilities, and equipment) of the department and shall delegate administrative authority within the department if necessary.
6.5 shall support the development of departmental fund-raising efforts within the context of the college’s and University’s fund-raising efforts.
7.0 Powers and Duties of the Departmental Faculty
7.1 Departments shall prepare rules and procedures for their own governance and operation, which must be consistent with Board of Regents, University, and collegiate policy and procedures and with the CVM Constitution.
7.2 The principles pertaining to merit review and its application to salary adjustments, promotion and tenure criteria, future faculty personnel needs, and curriculum shall be discussed at least once a year in a meeting of all faculty of the department. Recommendations approved by the simple majority of the departmental faculty shall be prepared and submitted to the dean by the chair. Such recommendations or policy proposals are advisory to, and require the approval of, the dean.
7.3 The departmental faculty, in conjunction with the chair, shall conduct an annual peer review and merit evaluation in accordance with relevant University and collegiate policies.
7.4 Departmental faculty and P&A staff are expected to contribute to the teaching, research, service, and outreach missions of the CVM. The amount of these activities for individual faculty members shall be established annually in consultation with the department chair. Performance in these activities will form a basis for annual peer review and merit evaluation.
7.5 It is incumbent on the faculty and P&A staff to conduct their activities in accordance with University policies and with this Constitution and Bylaws.
Article VIII: The Secretary of the Faculty
1.0 Powers and Duties of the Secretary of the Faculty
1.1 The Secretary (or designee in conjunction with the dean's office) shall send notice of all faculty meetings to the faculty. Such notice shall include an agenda. Notices and agendas must reach the faculty at least five working days before such meetings, except in the case of special meetings. Should the agenda include business that requires prior study, the necessary information shall accompany the meeting notice.
1.2 The Secretary (or designee in conjunction with the dean's office) shall be responsible for preparation and distribution of minutes of faculty meetings to members of the collegiate faculty. A permanent file of approved minutes shall be maintained in the dean's office. Reports from various committees distributed with the agenda, shall be considered as part of the minutes and need not be recopied and redistributed after the meeting.
1.3 The Secretary shall supervise college-wide elections, except for election of the Secretary of the Faculty (Bylaws II, Section 2.1). This shall include distribution of a list of eligible candidates. The Secretary shall also maintain a current list of the collegiate faculty.
1.4 The Secretary can be used as a resource person on the conduct of elections and balloting procedures for all collegiate units. (Bylaws II).
Article IX: Standing Committees - Elected
Elected standing committees shall be formed as defined in the Bylaws II. Each elected standing committee (Bylaws II, Section 1.0) shall elect its own chair. The chair, or a designated member, shall report committee activities at all regular faculty meetings and submit a report annually to the Faculty Council. (Constitution: Article IV, Section 3.7)
The dean or designated representative may attend meetings of the standing elected committees as an ex-officio member without vote.
Article X: Standing Committees - Appointed
The college shall be served by appointed standing committees as defined in the Bylaws III. Each appointed standing committee (Bylaws III, Section 1.0) shall elect its own chair. The chair, or a designated member, shall have the opportunity to report committee activities at all regular faculty meetings and submit a report annually to the Faculty Council. The dean or the designated representative may attend meetings of standing appointed committees as an ex-officio member without vote.
Article: XI: Ad Hoc Committees
1.0 On occasion, the college, or departments within the college, may have the need to establish ad hoc committees to investigate and/or recommend policies that affect the personnel of the college (faculty, professional and graduate students, and staff).
2.0 When appointing ad hoc committees to deal with issues affecting more than one department and/or involving personnel from more than one department, the dean shall seek advice from the Administrative and the Faculty Council.
3.0 Search Committees
3.1 shall be formed for identifying and recommending new or replacement collegiate administrators, faculty, or P&A staff.
3.2 The appointing authority shall seek input from the Faculty and the Administrative Council when appropriate.
Article XII: Other CVM Councils
1.0 There may exist student, graduate student, professional and administrative, civil service, and bargaining unit councils to advise and make recommendations to the collegiate administration on matters of interest to their constituencies.
1.1 These councils shall be governed by their own rules and procedures.
1.2 These councils shall have the option to formulate and propose articles or subsections of the CVM Constitution or Bylaws for areas germane to their activities. These proposals must follow the process defined in Constitution: Article XIII, Section 3.0.
Article XIII: Ratification, Implementation, Interpretation and Amendments
1.0 Ratification and Implementation
The provisions of this Constitution and its Bylaws shall become effective immediately after approval by the dean and its adoption by at least two-thirds of the collegiate faculty casting mail or electronic ballots in a vote conducted by the Secretary of the Faculty at the behest of the Faculty Council. The provisions of this Constitution shall become effective immediately after approval of the Executive Vice President and Provost. The Constitution and its Bylaws shall become an official document following its acceptance by the President of the University or designee.
2.0 Interpretation
Interpretation of this Constitution and its Bylaws shall reside with the dean members of Administrative Council, and Faculty Council by a consensus process. In the event a consensus cannot be reached, the issue shall be referred to the appropriate University entity for resolution (e.g., Senate Judicial Committee, University Grievance Office, Office of the General Counsel, or the Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action). All University of Minnesota policies shall supersede this CVM Constitution. (Constitution: Article I, Section 1.0).
3.0 Amendments
3.1 shall be introduced for consideration as agenda items at a regular or special faculty meeting by the Faculty Council, the Administrative Council, other CVM councils (Constitution: Article III, Section 3.0), or by any 10 members of the collegiate faculty.
3.2 shall be distributed to all collegiate faculty and affected councils at least seven working days before the meeting.
3.3 shall be voted upon by mail or electronic ballot not earlier than 15 working days following introduction in a faculty meeting. The ballots shall be distributed by and returned to the Secretary of the Faculty. Ballots will be tallied by the Secretary of the Faculty.
3.4 shall require the approval of two-thirds of the collegiate faculty who ballot.