Table of contents
I. Bylaws to the Constitution of the College of Veterinary Medicine
Bylaws to the Constitution of the College of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Minnesota shall be enacted or amended by a simple majority vote of the collegiate faculty casting mail or electronic ballots. Any proposed bylaw or bylaw amendment shall be endorsed by the Faculty Council, the Administrative Council, other CVM councils, or at least 10 members of the collegiate faculty, listed as an official agenda item, and presented for information at a faculty meeting. The proposed bylaw or bylaw amendments shall be distributed to all members of the collegiate faculty at least seven working days before the faculty meeting. Voting on the bylaws shall take place by mail or electronic ballot no sooner than 15 working days after the faculty meeting. The ballots shall be distributed by, and returned to, the Secretary of the Faculty. Ballots will be tallied by the Secretary of the Faculty.
II. General Election Procedures for Elected Committees and Offices
1.0 Scope
- Secretary of the Faculty
- Faculty Council
- Collegiate Promotion and Tenure Committee
- Research Committee
2.0 General Election Procedures
2.1 The Secretary of the Faculty (Bylaws II, Section 3) shall prepare and distribute to all collegiate faculty a list of all persons eligible for office. (Constitution: Article VIII, Section 1.3) The dean, associate deans, department chairs, and center directors shall not be eligible for election to elected committees. The Secretary shall also distribute and collect the ballots. Department chairs shall be contacted for nominees for college-wide elections. Each collegiate faculty member shall list the names of the nominees of their choice within their department. The number of nominees listed must equal the number of vacancies to be filled in order for the nomination ballot to be valid. The Secretary of the Faculty shall then distribute election ballots listing the names of the nominees who have received the highest number of votes and have indicated their willingness to serve, if elected. There shall be twice as many nominees for each position as there are vacancies to be filled. These procedures shall apply to all elected positions unless specifically noted otherwise in the sections on Faculty Council, Secretary of the Faculty, or Standing Committees - Elected.
2.2 All college-wide elections shall be held spring semester each year, if possible, and new committee members shall assume their duties on July 1.
2.3 Nominees for Faculty Senate shall be determined by the Academic Departments in reference to the Faculty Preference Survey. Elections shall then be conducted by the college-wide election process (Constitution: Article III Section 2.4).
2.4 If a vacancy is for six months or less in elected committees, the Faculty Council shall appoint someone to fill the vacancy. If the vacancy is for a longer period, a general election will be held according to regular election procedures in Bylaws II, Section 2.1.
2.5 Ballots for elected positions or issues requiring faculty vote must allow at least a 10-working day response time.
3.0 Secretary of the Faculty
3.1 A Secretary of the Faculty and an alternate shall be elected by the collegiate faculty every two years. Members of the Administrative and Faculty Council shall not be eligible for these positions.
3.2 The Faculty Council shall distribute to department chairs a list of all persons eligible for the offices of the Secretary and alternate Secretary. Each department will submit to the Faculty Council Chair the name of one eligible departmental faculty member who is willing to serve as Secretary of the Faculty or alternate Secretary. The Faculty Council (or its designee) shall then distribute election ballots listing the nominees. The individual receiving the highest number of votes shall be the Secretary of the Faculty and the individual receiving the second-highest number of votes shall be the alternate Secretary of the Faculty. The Secretary and the alternate Secretary shall be eligible to serve two consecutive terms in either capacity. Either of these individuals shall become eligible for reelection one year after completing a second term. If the Secretary is unable to fulfill duties, the alternate Secretary shall assume these duties, until the current term of office has expired.
4.0 Faculty Council
4.1 Membership to the Faculty Council is described in Constitution: Article IV Section 1.0
4.2 Departmental Representatives and Alternates: At the request of the Secretary of the Faculty, each department shall initiate a nomination and election process for electing departmental representatives and alternates to the Faculty Council. The two people receiving the most votes shall become the departmental representatives and the runner-up shall become the alternate. The terms of office are three years and terms shall be staggered.
4.3 At-large Representatives: At the request of the Secretary of the Faculty, each department shall initiate a nomination process for a nominee (other than the individuals elected as departmental representatives and alternates) and shall forward this name to the Secretary of the Faculty. The names of the three nominees shall be placed on a general election ballot and submitted to the faculty for a college-wide vote. The person receiving the most votes shall become the at-large member of the council. One at-large member representative shall be elected each year for a three-year term.
4.4 The chair of the Faculty Council shall appoint an individual from among the alternates to fill any vacancy that occurs. The appointed alternate shall serve for the duration of the position vacated.
4.5 Powers and duties of the Faculty Council are detailed in the CVM Constitution: Article IV, Section 3.
5.0 Collegiate Promotion and Tenure Committee
5.1 Membership
5.11 The committee shall consist of three full professors from each CVM department who shall be elected by the faculty of that department. The committee members shall represent tenure-track, tenured and contract faculty. In addition, one full professor will be chosen from the Faculty Council. (Constitution: Article IV, Section 3.5)
5.12 Committee members, other than the Faculty Council representative, shall serve three-year staggered terms.
5.2 Responsibilities
5.21 The committee must follow the procedures in the current version of the Promotion and Tenure Guidelines as stipulated by the University of Minnesota. The committee must also follow the current departmental guidelines for tenured, tenured-track and contract faculty.
5.22 The committee must make a written recommendation to the dean whether the faculty member has met the criteria of their department’s promotion and tenure guidelines.
5.23 The committee member from the department of an individual undergoing evaluation may not participate both in an initial recommendation by their academic unit and in a subsequent review of that recommendation (i.e., they shall not participate in the discussion of or vote on a candidate from their own department).
5.24 Contract faculty will not participate in the review of tenure-track faculty promotions while tenured, tenure-track faculty will participate in all reviews.
5.25 The collegiate promotion and tenure review committee shall also be advisory to the dean on post-tenure review performance issues, as stipulated by the U of M faculty tenure guidelines (Sect. 7a.3)
6.0 Research Committee
6.1 Membership
6.11 The committee shall consist of four members (contract, tenured, or tenure-track) from each CVM department. Department members must consist of at least two associate/full professors (at least one must be tenured), and at least one assistant professor. The Associate Dean for Research will serve as an ex-officio member.
6.12 All faculty members shall serve a staggered three-year term.
6.2 Responsibilities
6.21 The committee shall assist the Associate Dean for Research in increasing research opportunities by
- exploring novel sources of extramural funding.
- recommending programs to improve research competitiveness of faculty.
- recommending policy for the distribution of collegiate research funding.
- reviewing all collegiate research facilities and making recommendations for changes and improvements.
6.22 The committee shall evaluate proposals on their scientific merit and previously announced research priorities of the college as established by the Associate Dean for Research, the Dean, and the approved CVM strategic plan. Internal and/or external reviewers may be solicited as needed.
6.23 The committee shall conduct periodic reviews of funded projects as deemed appropriate and report findings of this review to the Associate Dean for Research or the Dean.
6.24 The committee shall review nominations and select recipients of collegiate research awards.
III. General Operations and Procedures for Appointed Committees
1.0 Scope
- Admissions Committee
- Awards, Honors, and Scholarship Committee
- Committee on Curriculum and Educational Policy
- Diversity and Inclusion Committee
- Student Academic Grievance Committee
- Student Promotions Committee
1.1 Membership on appointed committees shall be determined by a consensus process among the dean, Administrative Council, and Faculty Council. (Constitution: Article IV, Section 3.6)
2.0 Admissions Committee
2.1 Membership
2.11 The committee shall consist of four collegiate faculty from each department. The Senior Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs (or designee) will be ex-officio members. Each committee member will serve a 4-year staggered term.
2.2 Responsibilities
2.21 The committee shall recommend to the faculty the criteria to be used to select students for admittance to the DVM program.
2.22 The committee shall recommend students for admittance to the DVM program to the Dean and Senior Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs. (Constitution: Article III, Section 2.2)
3.0 Awards, Honors, and Scholarship Committee
3.1 Membership
3.11 The committee shall consist of two collegiate faculty from each department. Representatives from the Office of Academic and Student Affairs and the Development Office will serve as ex-officio members. Each faculty member will serve a 4-year staggered term.
3.2 Responsibilities
3.21 The committee shall select students for scholarships according to criteria of individual scholarships determined by donor/partner intent.
4.0 Committee on Curriculum and Educational Policy
4.1 Membership
4.11 The committee shall consist of two collegiate faculty from each department, one representative from each class of the veterinary student body, and, as ex-officio, the Senior Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, the Assistant Dean of Curriculum, the Associate Dean of Education, and relevant staff members. Each faculty member will serve a 4-year staggered term.
4.2 Responsibilities
4.21 The committee shall undertake appropriate long-range studies of veterinary curriculum design, including development of goals, course content, teaching, and testing methods.
4.22 The committee shall review new, changed, or discontinued degree, program, and course proposals and recommend approval to the dean and Executive Vice President and Provost consistent with University policy.
4.23 The committee shall advise the dean on the need for new instructional positions.
4.24 The committee shall annually evaluate educational outcomes of the DVM curriculum.
4.25 The committee shall review proposals for changes to collegiate education policies, consistent with overall University educational policy, and recommend approval to the dean.
5.0 Diversity and Inclusion Committee
5.1 Membership
5.11 The committee shall consist of one faculty co-chair, one staff co-chair, one collegiate faculty from each collegiate department, one DVM student, one graduate student, three staff members, one post-doctoral associate or resident, and, as ex-officio, the Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).
5.12 The faculty co-chair shall serve a 2-year staggered term with the staff co-chair and be appointed by the Director of DEI in consultation with department chairs and administrative council. The faculty co-chair may be selected from current committee faculty members. If this occurs, an alternate faculty member from the department of the co-chair must be appointed for the term of the co-chair or faculty appointment length, whichever is shorter.
5.13 The staff co-chair shall serve a 2-year staggered term with the faculty co-chair and be appointed by the Director of DEI in consultation with department chairs and administrative council. The staff co-chair may be selected from current committee staff members. If this occurs, an alternate staff member must be appointed for the term of the co-chair or staff appointment length, whichever is shorter.
5.14 Each faculty member shall serve a 3-year staggered term and be appointed by department chair in consultation with Director of DEI.
5.15 The DVM and graduate students will serve a 2-year staggered term and be selected by their student bodies in consultation with Director of DEI.
5.16 Staff members shall serve a 3-year staggered term and be appointed by their supervisors in consultation with Director of DEI.
5.17 The post-doctoral associate or resident will serve a 2-year term and may self-nominate to be appointed by the Director of DEI.
5.18 The committee may engage others, as needed, in areas such as Human Resources, University DEI, Advancement, Curriculum, Alumni, etc.
5.2 Responsibilities
5.21 The committee shall provide college direction in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in partnership with the Director of DEI, Administrative Council, and other College of Veterinary Medicine diversity, equity, and inclusion groups.
5.22 The committee shall promote and advocate for DEI in college research, education, and outreach efforts across the CVM community.
5.23 The committee shall advance college goals as laid out by the University and CVM Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategic Plan.
5.24 The committee shall provide information, training, guidance, and resources to the CVM community to promote DEI understanding at all levels of engagement.
5.25 The committee shall improve knowledge and transparency of College DEI data and work to inform cultural competency and guide decision making.
5.26 The committee shall annually evaluate DEI outcomes in college research, education, and outreach efforts across the CVM community.
5.27 The committee shall advise the dean on the need for new DEI initiatives.
6.0 Student Academic Grievance Committee and Grievance Officer
6.1 Membership
6.11 The committee shall consist of two faculty members and one staff, selected by the dean from a list recommended by the Faculty Council. The Associate Dean of Graduate Education and Senior Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs will choose one graduate student and one second or third year professional student, respectively, to serve on the committee as needed.
6.12 One of the faculty members will serve as the student academic grievance officer. This faculty member will not hold any other administrative appointment.
6.2 Responsibilities
6.21 The student academic grievance officer and the Student Academic Grievance Committee will address complaints submitted as prescribed by the Administrative Policy: Conflict Resolution Process for Student Academic Complaints.
7.0 Student Promotions Committee
7.1 Membership
7.11 The committee shall consist of at least two representatives from the collegiate faculty of each department. Each faculty member will serve a 4-year staggered term.
7.2. Responsibilities
7.21 The committee shall be responsible for recommending standards for DVM student promotion.
7.22 The committee shall meet at the end of each academic term or more often at the discretion of the Senior Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs to review DVM student records that do not conform to these standards, and will decide on academic standing including appropriate remediation, probationary status or dismissal in cases of academic deficiency.