University of Minnesota  Procedure

PI Eligibility Requirements for Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research Education


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To be eligible to serve as a PI, a researcher must complete the University of Minnesota RCR Core Course through the CITI Program. PIs must complete training before a sponsored research award can be set up. This can be achieved by going to the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Core.

Completion of research education requirements is tracked electronically. When a funding proposal is submitted or an award is received, completion records are verified to ensure the PI has completed the RCR Core curriculum. If not, an email reminder about the requirement is sent to the PI. Submission of the proposal is not delayed, but setup of the award account is delayed if the requirement is not completed at the time of the award.

Depending on the nature of the research/investigation, additional training in one or more of the following may be required:

The PI is responsible for reading requirements for an award, completing the training, and ensuring personnel are appropriately trained.