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Please use the contact section in the governing policy.
This procedure applies to research using human fetal tissue, whether for transplantation or non-transplantation purposes.
Acquisition: Human Fetal Tissue
- Contact the Anatomy Bequest Program (ABP) for access to the fetal tissue acquisition form. Contact the ABP at [email protected] or 612-625-1111 for assistance if needed.
- If the tissue will be supplied by a research sponsor or collaborator, obtain approval from ABP to use the fetal tissue.
- Submit the complete proposal form to ABP, along with documentation of approval from the Fetal Tissue Research (FTR) committee or documentation of approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for research subject to IRB approval.
- ABP will acquire human fetal tissue from tissue procurement organizations or clinics outside Minnesota that operate in compliance with federal law and applicable state laws and certify they do not obtain tissue from abortions performed in Minnesota. ABP also may accept donations of tissue obtained from a stillborn infant, or an embryo or fetus that died of natural causes in utero as authorized under applicable state laws.
Use and Disposition of Human Fetal Tissue
- Maintain sufficient laboratory records documenting the acquisition, use, storage location, and processing procedures of the human fetal tissue.
- The ABP will contact the University staff biannually to determine if the research is complete and if the disposition of the human fetal tissue can be facilitated.
- The ABP will facilitate the disposition of the human fetal tissue and ensure that it is disposed of in a culturally-sensitive, dignified manner through cremation, burial, or other lawful disposition method.
Change in the Study or Extension of the Study
- Contact the ABP if intended use of the human fetal tissue changes or if the study will take longer than anticipated.
- ABP will notify the University staff of the outcome of the extension request.