Table of Contents
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Please use the contact section in the governing policy.
- Salaries & Wages/Fringe Benefits
Faculty, technicians, scientists, research assistants, postdoctoral associates, or other technical and programmatic personnel who are necessary to meet the goals of the project.
- Scientific & Technical Equipment Computer costs (Software, supplies, and services)
- Long-Distance Telephone charges
- Maintenance agreements related to scientific and technical equipment
- Materials (including noncapitalized equipment)
- Participant Expenses (e.g., NSF, Army)
- Rent - when using off-campus facilities
- Supplies [Project Supplies] (items solely consumed by the project)
- Services obtained:
- Animal care
- Outside Consultant/Professional
- Internal Service Organization
- Subgrants/subcontracts
- Subject costs
- Travel
- Salaries & Wages/Fringe Benefits
Clerical and administrative positions such as fiscal officers, accountants, secretaries, directors, vice presidents, president, office personnel, executive assistants, and administrators.
- Memberships
- Subscriptions, library books, periodicals, etc.
- Office Supplies
- Equipment (office and general)
- Janitorial Services
- Photocopy (for general business use)
- Postage (for general business use)
- Repair & Maintenance (buildings, grounds, building equipment, remodeling, etc.)
- Sanitation services including hazardous waste
- Telephone (recurring, installation and maintenance), cell phones, pagers
- Utilities