Policies Under Review

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Academic Credit for Undergraduate Courses Associated with Internship and Co-op Experiences: Twin Cities (30 Day Review)
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The purpose of the administrative policy Student Services Fee is to outline the non-governance level elements of the Student Services Fee that are not addressed within the Tuition and Fees Board of Regents policy. The administrative policy provides rationale for the purpose of the fee, how and to whom it is assessed, identifies unallowable uses, and defines a set of common procedures that all campus will utilize when administering the fee.

Mandatory Medical Withdrawal (30 Day Review)
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  1. This policy implements the University’s right to require a student to withdraw in extraordinary circumstances, when these commitments are jeopardized or threatened because the University does not have the resources to ensure the student’s health and well-being.
  2. The policy includes a training element, a procedure for withdrawal and reinstatement, as well as an FAQ and appendix for student support persons.
  3. While we expect this policy will be used in extremely rare situations, the situations where the policy is needed necessarily are high-risk situations where a student poses a substantial risk to self or others.
Indigenous Research (30 Day Review)
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New policy under review. To provide guidance when working on research related to Tribal Nations/Indigenous Peoples.

Student Services Fee (30 Day Review)
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New policy. The purpose of the administrative policy Student Services Fee is to outline the non-governance level elements of the Student Services Fee that are not addressed within the Tuition and Fees Board of Regents policy. The administrative policy provides rationale for the purpose of the fee, how and to whom it is assessed, identifies unallowable uses, and defines a set of common procedures that all campus will utilize when administering the fee.

Using a University Corporate Card (30 Day Review)
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New Policy: Combined Administrative Policies: Using the University Procurement Card and Using the University Travel Card policies into one policy; Raising single transaction limit from $2,500 to $5,000 and monthly limit from $10,000 to $15,000; Changing PCard reconciliation from 30 days to 60 days (both corporate cards and OOP all the same); Remove requirement of signatures on receipts (if cardholders uses My Wallet or Service Request to FinOps); Add expenses submitted after 60 days may be reported as taxable income to the cardholder.

Combining the two policies into one to make it easier for employees to determine what kind of card they need and to streamline the requirements for using the card. In conversations with the Tax Management Office it was determined that we weren't meeting all of the requirements of the University's Accountable Plan so it was decided that we needed to update policy and begin to reports expenses submitted late as taxable income.