University of Minnesota  Administrative Policy

Signage on University Buildings and Other Significant Assets: Corporate and Individual

Policy Statement

University buildings and other significant assets may be named for non-University corporate entities or individuals to recognize significant gifts or in connection with sponsorships, in accordance with Board of Regents Policy: Namings and Renamings Such recognition may be in the form of a name, wordmark or logo (corporate identity), so long as the corporate identity meets the University standards and design guidelines as outlined in the policy and is consistent with the University’s brand and values. University Services and University Relations will finalize the signage proposal and describe with specificity, including size, before it is presented to the Naming Committee for consideration and a decision whether to forward a recommendation for approval to the president. Approval to proceed with signage is contingent on the approval of naming as acted on by the Board of Regents.

Units do not have the authority to commit to or approve signage specifics. The Vice Presidents for University Services and University Relations will jointly make the final determination regarding the acceptability of individual proposals for signage with a corporate identity. On the Crookston, Duluth, Morris, and Rochester campuses, they will make the decision in consultation with the Chancellor. The specific design and proposed mode of installation of any signs erected on or attached to significant University assets is subject to approval by the University Architect. 


All signage must meet the following standards, as well as the other requirements contained in the University’s Signage and Graphics Standards (Standards). Signs will be designed and fabricated to meet universal access specifications for legibility related to the scale and purpose of the sign. 

Sign size, which must be appropriate to the size and scale of the building or other asset, and sign placement will be determined by the University Architect, in consultation with University Relations. 

  • Surface mounted signs (wordmarks or logos) will be made of aluminum sheet in accordance with the Standards. White lighting is permitted behind the lettering on exterior signs. These signs may be washed in downlight or illuminated from below in white light only.
  • Signs with colors are not permitted, except as provided for above.
  • The standardized, freestanding building ID signs across campus will not include logos or wordmarks other than those of the University of Minnesota.
  • Exterior building signs will not identify individual occupants or programs within buildings, except where the college or program is the formal name of the building (Weisman Art Museum, Carlson School of Management)

These standards and processes apply for both University and non-University entities.

Removing Signage

If a naming is revoked (see Board of Regents Policy: Namings and Renamings) that involves corporate or individual signage, University Services or campus Facilities Management is responsible for removing the signage within 14 days of the decision. 


The initial cost of any donor-related signage will be paid from proceeds of the gift or sponsorship. The cost of any change in building signage requested by a corporate entity must, if approved, be paid by the corporate entity. If a naming is revoked by the Board, University Services or campus Facilities Management will charge the cost of removal and replacement of the signage to the account where the proceeds from the naming sponsorship were originally deposited. 


Corporate signage in the interior of a building is regulated by the University’s Sign and Graphic Standards, and is not governed by this policy.

University buses (owned, leased, or contracted) are not subject to this policy.

Reason for Policy

This policy helps ensure that University buildings and signage reflect the institution’s mission as an enduring institution of higher learning. The content establishes consistent aesthetics, standards, and quality while providing for acknowledgment of major gifts that support the programs of the University.


Primary Contact(s)Monique MacKenzie
Laura Johnson
[email protected]
[email protected]
Responsible Individuals
Responsible Officer Policy Owner Primary Contact
  • Vice President for University Services
  • Chief Marketing Officer
  • Assistant Vice President for Capital Planning and Project Management
  • Laura Johnson
  • Monique MacKenzie
    Director, University Planning



Physical structure that is owned or leased by the University of Minnesota, on any campus

Corporate Identity

Logo, wordmark or name that identifies a corporation

Corporate Sponsor

Non-University entity entering into a contract involving the provision of funds or other support with the expectation of public acknowledgement or promotional opportunity


Significant university assets may be named after an individual or non-university entity; namings can be either honorary or associated with gifts or sponsorships, as defined in Board of Regents Policy: Namings and Renamings

Naming Committee

Reviews naming proposals and submits recommendations to the President


Graphic designs, symbols, emblems, or words used to identify a building or space

Significant University Assets

Tangible or intangible resources of the University that are of significant prominence or visibility. Assets include but are not limited to the following: colleges and schools; University-level academic programs, centers, and institutes; and buildings, significant portions of buildings, grounds, physical structures, streets, and areas.



Consult with the Vice Presidents for University Relations and University Services to determine final approval of signage under this policy.

University Foundation

Work with policy owners early on during gift/sponsorship solicitation to ensure that a proposed corporate identity is consistent with University standards and only approved designs are presented to donor(s) and the Naming Committee.

University Relations

Jointly own the policy and associated documents, and make the final determination, in a timely fashion, regarding the acceptability of individual proposals for signage with a corporate identity.

University Services

Jointly own the policy and associated documents, and make the final determination, in a timely fashion, regarding the acceptability of individual proposals for signage with a corporate identity. Install any approved signage. Enforce the signage standards.

Related Information



March 2022 - Comprehensive Review. Added a statement related to signage accessibility and to edit "colored signs" to "signs with colors," to update the Board of Regents Policy name based on the Board meeting on Feb 11, 2022, and reflect that the president is the approver of the signage request rather than the BOR.


January 2018 -

New Policy, Comprehensive Review.

  1. Specifies key standards related to signage on University Buildings.
  2. Identifies the individuals responsible for final determination regarding the acceptability of individual signage proposals.
  3. Provides for the charging of the signage from proceeds of the gift or sponsorship as well as charging for the cost of removal and replacement of the signage.