University of Minnesota  Procedure

Waste Management and Disposal


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Governing Policy


Please use the contact section in the governing policy.

There are three steps necessary to properly manage waste:

1. Identify Wastes

The University provides safe, effective, and efficient waste management services for managing  nonhazardous solid waste, recyclable waste, and hazardous waste. The University community is responsible for identifying the type of waste produced and using the appropriate University management system.

For assistance with identifying wastes, consult the Resources for Managing Waste Materials listed below or the Department of Environmental Health and Safety.

2. Evaluate Waste

The University community must evaluate their waste for its physical, chemical, and biological characteristics to determine how it is to be properly managed.

A waste may be:

  1. Recyclable material (e.g., paper, soda cans)
  2. Compostable organic waste (e.g. food, animal bedding, biodegradable plastics)
  3. Non-hazardous solid waste
  4. Hazardous radioactive waste: containing or contaminated with a radioactive isotope
  5. Hazardous biological waste: containing or contaminated with an infectious or potentially infectious agent, a biological toxin, animal carcasses, genetically modified organisms, recombinant DNA, etc.
  6. Hazardous chemical waste: waste chemicals, products which are chemical in nature (cleaning agents, paint, motor oil, and pharmaceutics), products that contain chemicals (fluorescent lamps, thermometers), or materials contaminated with chemicals (contaminated soil or rags)
  7. Otherwise Regulated Material: asbestos, car batteries, contaminated soil, and construction debris

3. Manage Wastes

Once wastes have been identified and evaluated, the University community must manage it according to applicable University of Minnesota waste management instructions. These waste management instructions have been developed to keep the University in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations and to promote a safe and healthy workplace.

Contact the Department of Environmental Health and Safety (612-626-6002) for guidance, instructions and to ensure compliance with University programs.

Waste Management Programs

  • Non-hazardous Waste (i.e.,trash, recyclable material, compost):
    • Crookston: 218-281-8483
    • Duluth: 218-726-8262
      Morris: 320-589-6100
    • Twin Cities: 612-624-2900
  • ReUse and Redistribution: contact the ReUse Program Warehouse at 612-626-9152
  • Hazardous Radioactive Waste (all campuses): 612-626-6002
  • Hazardous Biological Waste (all campuses): 612-626-6002
  • Hazardous Chemical Waste (all campuses): 612-626-6002
  • Electronic Waste:
    • Twin Cities: schedule pickup through the Office of Information Technology or contact FM Recycling Program at 612-624-8084
    • Duluth: contact Information Technology Systems and Services.
  • Otherwise Regulated Waste (e.g., asbestos, lead, construction debris):
    • Crookston: 218-281-8483
    • Duluth: 218-726-8262
      Morris: 320-589-6100
    • Twin Cities: 612-624-2900