University of Minnesota  Morris Campus Policy

Smoke Free Indoor Air: Morris


Please use the contact section below.

Policy Statement

Smoking is prohibited in all facilities owned or leased by the University of Minnesota. Smoking is also prohibited within 25 feet of the exterior entrances to University owned facilities on the Morris campus or facilities fully leased to the University of Minnesota Morris.


Smoking will be in University facilities in these situations:

  • Peer reviewed, approved scientific studies related to the health effects of smoking, sanctioned and formally approved by the University.
  • Theatrical productions approved by the University and where actors and actresses are permitted to smoke as part of the theatrical performance. Notice of smoking in a performance must be given to patrons in advance and will be included in the performance programs.

Reason for Policy

To implement the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act. To implement the commitments of Board of Regents Policy: Health and Safety. The protection of the health and safety of students, faculty, staff and visitors is a primary responsibility of the Regents of the University of Minnesota.

Smoking is widely recognized as the single most important cause of preventable human disease, including lung cancer, heart disease, and emphysema. Also recognized is the fact that breathing second-hand smoke can cause the same health problems in non-smokers. This policy is implemented to protect employees, students, and visitors to the University community from the hazards of second-hand smoke and to protect the rights of the non-smoking community to breathe smoke-free air.


Primary ContactBryan Herrmann
Vice Chancellor for Finance and Facilities, Morris
320-589-6113[email protected]
MorrisMorris: Health Services320-589-6070[email protected]
Reporting Smoking ViolationsYour supervisor
Anonymous Reporting: UReport
Smoking Cessation InformationHuman Resources Employee Assistance Program612-627-4247[email protected]
Responsible Individuals
Policy Owner Primary Contact
  • Vice Chancellor for Finance and Facilities, UMM Administration
  • Bryan Herrmann
    Vice Chancellor for Finance and Facilities, UMM Administration


There are no procedures supporting this policy.

Other Information



Any enclosed area of a structure, or portion thereof, and which structure is owned and/or being occupied or operated by the University. This is intended to include University owned and operated vehicles, and outdoor group seating facilities. This definition includes all areas within the residence halls.

Outdoor group seating facilities

Any outdoor seating arrangement whereby people sit in close proximity (shoulder-to-shoulder to one another).

Residence Hall

Any structure designated by the University as a residence hall. The smoke-free indoor air policy will apply to all areas within the residence halls and within 25 feet of residence hall building entrances.

Scientific study

Peer reviewed scientific study related to the health effects of smoking, sanctioned and formally approved by the University.


The inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying a lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe, or other lighted smoking product. The burning of any type of lighted pipe, cigar, cigarette, or any other smoking equipment or device, whether filled with tobacco or any other type of material. This definition includes use of devices that mimic smoking, such as e-cigarettes or electronic vaping devices.

Theatrical Production

Theatrical performance sanctioned and approved by the University.


Effective implementation of this policy depends upon all members of the University community to observe this smoking policy; to monitor adherence to it at their level of involvement in the University community, and carry out their responsibility to inform all employees in their charge and all newly hired employees of this policy.

Chancellor, Dean, Administrators, and Supervisors

As leaders and role models, the chancellor, dean, administrators, and supervisors are expected to communicate, influence, and guide the University community and the implementation of and compliance with this policy. Support and assist employees and students who wish to stop smoking by providing referrals to smoke cessation programs.

Morris Facilities Management/Environmental Health and Safety.

Review, respond to, and resolve questions and complaints regarding indoor air quality, concerns, or requests for clarification and advice regarding this policy.

Investigate to ensure appropriate signage is in place and that smoking urns are appropriately placed 25 feet from building entrances. Work with DEHS regarding indoor air concerns.

Related Information

Policy History


September 2015 - Posted as applying to Morris Campus only. Removed references in Contacts, Related Information and Responsibilities to non-Morris information.  Other campuses follow Adminnistrative Policy: Smoke and Tobacco Free Campus.


July 2011 - Comprehensive Review; Main contact for policy questions is now the FM Call Center. Added reference to Board of Regents Policy: Health and Safety and Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act; added definitions; added exception provisions; clarified roles and responsibilities.


October 2004 - Eliminated smoking from all resident rooms and from within 25 feet of all building entrances. Smoking used to be allowed in designated resident rooms.


April 1998


Twin Cities Campus Assembly's Twin Cities Campus Smoke-Free Policy, June 1993 and Smoke Free Indoor Air Policy, August 1993.