University of Minnesota  Morris Campus Policy

Campus Email Lists: Guidelines and Procedures (Morris)


Please use the contact section below.

Policy Statement

There are numerous email lists for the convenience of Morris campus students, faculty, and staff. UMMFACPA, UMMUSA, UMMOFFICIAL and UMM-ALL-EMPLOYEES are for messages of University business. Examples include announcements about class seminars, conference opportunities, and job postings. Faculty and staff may use UMMPOSTS (formerly known as UMMSTAFF) for individual announcements such as “looking to buy/borrow”, “for sale/rent” that might not interest every employee on campus. In addition, please be aware of the following guidelines:

  • Use University property, equipment, finances, materials, electronic and other systems, and other resources only for legitimate University purposes.
  • University of Minnesota technology resources may not be used for commercial purposes, political messages, or other endorsements. This restriction applies to email lists as well. Messages involving individual announcements (garage sales, etc.) must be restricted to the UMMPOSTS list only.
  • Do not forward messages from others to Morris campus email lists.
  • Attachments cannot be correctly received by many email users. In addition, they are potential carriers of computer viruses. Do not send file attachments to any UMM lists. Instead, copy and paste the text of your file into the message body.
  • No abusive language is tolerated on any email lists.
  • To be removed from the UMMPOSTS list, send mail to:

Campus Lists

Employees may use the following e-mail list when communicating University information that is urgent, important, or of very broad general interest to the UMN Morris community.

  • [email protected]

    An email list that will include all active UMM faculty and P&A employees. This list serve will be updated automatically once each semester. To reach just the UMM faculty, use the UMM-FACULTY list.

  • [email protected]

    An email list for all active UMM civil service, AFSCME clerical, AFSCME technical, Teamsters, and LELS employees. This list serve will be updated automatically once each semester.

  • [email protected]

    An email list that includes everyone from the UMMFACPA, UMMUSA, and UMMRA email lists. UMMRA. This list is used for campus announcements and events. The information contained in these messages should include material that is considered of the greatest importance, required for employees' professional careers.

  • [email protected] (opt-out)

    An email list for posting announcements. UMMPOSTS, formerly known as UMMSTAFF, is for posts about general topics. Enrollment in this email list is voluntary.

  • [email protected] (opt-out)

    An email list for retired faculty and staff. Participation is voluntary.

  • [email protected] (opt-out)

    An email list for spouses of current faculty and staff. Participation is voluntary.

  • [email protected]

    An email list that will include all active UMN Morris students. This list will be updated each semester. Messages to UMMOFFICIAL must pertain to a majority of students and should be deemed critical enough to distribute to the entire audience.

  • Additional lists »

Creating An Email List

Individuals, committees, or organizations that want to originate or participate in an issues discussion are encouraged to create new lists for these purposes.

Contact the Morris Help Desk for help in setting up a new list.

Reason for Policy

This policy is designed to clarify the differences, purposes, and participation with each campus email list.


Primary Contact(s)Bill Zimmerman320-589-6397[email protected]
Responsible Individuals
Policy Owner Primary Contact
  • Director of Information Technology
  • Bill Zimmerman
    Director of Information Technology


Other Information

There is no Other Information associated with this policy.

Policy History


October 2020


October 2020