University of Minnesota  Morris Campus Policy

Credits Maximum: Morris


Please use the contact section below.

Policy Statement

Spring and Fall Semesters

Students may take up to a maximum of twenty (20) credits per semester without additional approvals. Students wishing to enroll for more than 20 credits in a semester must obtain the Registrar’s approval. If the request is denied, the student may appeal to the Scholastic Committee. 

Summer Term

Students may take up to a maximum of twelve (12) credits during the summer term without additional approvals. Students who wish to enroll for more than twelve (12 credits) during the summer term (May session, summer session I, and summer session II) must obtain the Registrar’s approval. If the request is denied, the student may appeal to the Scholastic Committee.

Appeal Process

Students may complete an Academic Policy Petition to appeal the Credit Maximum Policy. Students will need to document all courses they plan to enroll in for the semester in question. The form will be submitted to the Office of the Registrar for review. The registrar will consider the student's academic standing, cumulative CPA, course schedule, and the impact of the credits over the maximum limit on their academic progress when considering the request. If the petition is denied, the student can appeal to the Scholastic Committee.

Reason for Policy

While students are encouraged to complete at least 15 credits per semester in order to make progress towards graduation, enrolling in too many credits may result in a higher incidence of course withdrawals, lower grades than expected, and decreased cumulative grade point averages (GPAs). The policy allows those students who wish to take up to 20 credits per fall and spring semesters and those students who wish to take up to 12 credits during summer term to do so. Students who wish to take more than the maximum credits have the opportunity to petition, allowing a thorough review of each individual’s particular academic plan and progress before a decision is made.


Primary Contact(s)Marcus Muller320-589-6011[email protected]
Responsible Individuals
Policy Owner Primary Contact
  • Director, Office of the Registrar


There are no procedures associated with this policy.

Other Information


Frequently Asked Questions 

  1. For spring or fall semester, which factors will be considered if I petition to take more than the maximum number of credits?

    The petition decision will be based on your academic standing, cumulative GPA, course schedule, and the impact of the credits over the maximum limit on your academic progress. 

  2. For summer term, which factors will be considered if I petition to take more than the maximum number of credits?

    The petition decision will be based on your academic standing, cumulative GPA, course schedule, and the impact of the credits over the maximum limit on your academic progress. In particular, your summer course schedule will be reviewed to determine if you wish to enroll in courses that span both May session and summer session I, which overlap by one week. Students may underestimate the time commitment necessary to successfully complete May session after summer session I begins. 

  3. What are the recommended credit loads per summer term session?

    While there are no firm recommendations, students should carefully consider the workload. Summer term courses require the same rigor and work effort per credit as a course offered during fall and spring semesters but in a condensed format. A summer course will require more effort per credit per week. For example, a four-credit course offered during the condensed three-week May session requires a commitment and workload comparable to a 20-credit course load during spring or fall semesters. Students who wish to complete 12 or more credits during the summer term are encouraged to enroll in multiple sessions. Students are encouraged to consult their academic advisers for summer term planning advice.

  4. How does Multi-Institutional student status impact the Morris credit maximum?

    Under the Multi-Institutional agreement, students may enroll in classes at other University of Minnesota campuses and retain their Morris student status. Morris students enrolled in classes at other campuses will be allowed the same total number of maximum credits, 20 credits for fall and spring semesters and 12 credits for summer term, regardless of which campus awards the credits.

  5. How will I know if I am over the maximum number of credits?

    You will receive an error message during self-service registration that reads: “Maximum Term Unit Load Exceeded.” 



Inform students of policy. Respond to petitions in a timely fashion. The Office of the Registrar will be able to respond within 1-2 business days. If the student appeals to the Scholastic Committee, the review could take an additional 1-2 weeks for review.


Consult with an academic adviser regarding academic plans. Submit petitions within published campus deadlines.


Review student’s request and student records to determine proper resolution.

Scholastic Committee

Consider appeals filed by students who have been denied the opportunity to enroll for credits that exceed the maximum.

Related Information

Policy History


Amended by Scholastic Committee to include summer term February 2016.


Approved by Campus Assembly March 2008.