University of Minnesota  Morris Campus Policy

Commencement Ceremony Participation: Morris


Please use the contact section below.

Policy Statement

Students who are within 15 credits of the 120 required for the degree and who can verify registration in courses that will complete all outstanding credits and requirements may participate in the spring commencement ceremony as a graduating senior. Students must apply by the deadline specified by the academic calendar outlined on the Onestop Dates and Deadlines page.

Reason for Policy

Morris has one Commencement Ceremony per year in May. Eligible students completing degrees during fall or spring or are within 15 credits of completing degrees after the following summer or fall terms may participate in the ceremony.


Primary Contact(s) Marcus Muller 320-589-6011 [email protected]
Janet Ericksen - Dean’s Office 320-589-6015 [email protected]
Responsible Individuals
Policy Owner Primary Contact
  • Director, Office of the Registrar
  • Marcus Muller
    Director, Office of the Registrar


Students who wish to participate in commencement and plan to complete the degree in summer or fall must apply for the degree via my MyU before the Spring deadline. The deadline will always correspond with the last day to add or withdraw from a class for spring semester. The date will be listed in the One Stop Student Services comprehensive student calendar. Students must have an academic plan in place for summer and fall classes that will complete the degree.

Other Information


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. I am one credit short of being eligible to participate in the Commencement Ceremony. I have 16 credits to complete rather than 15 credits. Can I petition to participate in the Commencement Ceremony?

    Yes, students may submit an Academic Policy Petition to the Office of the Registrar. Students should clearly state their academic plans for degree completion.

  2. I think I’m eligible to apply, but I can’t access the Application for the Degree through MyU. What should I do?

    The Office of the Registrar will confirm your eligibility. Contact the Office of the Registrar at [email protected] or 320-589-6027.

  3. I missed the deadline to apply. What should I do?

    Even though you missed the deadline, you may apply for a future term via MyU. If you have extenuating circumstances and must graduate in a term no longer listed in MyU, you may be able to apply for that term. Contact the Office of the Registrar.


Inform students of policy and procedure.
Apply for graduation before the deadline. Petition, if needed, in a timely fashion.
Office of the Registrar 
Reviews petitions and informs students of decisions.

Related Information

Policy History

Scholastic Committee 1980

Scholastic Committee reaffirmed 1991

Verification of registration formalized 2005