University of Minnesota  Morris Campus Policy

Catalog and Requirement Expiration: Morris


Please use the contact section below.

Policy Statement

Students who completed General Education requirements under a previous catalog may complete the bachelor of arts using those requirements. Major requirements are under the jurisdiction of the faculty. Faculty may allow major requirements completed under an expired catalog to count towards the major. 

All other degree requirements—total credits, residency, GPA calculation, etc.—will follow semester standards and current policies.


  • Students in elementary education and secondary education must complete licensure requirements and apply for licensure within seven years from the time of admission to the licensure program. After seven years, all education courses previously taken become void and must be retaken for licensure per requirement of the Minnesota State Board of Teaching.
  • Returning students with degree applications on file with Academic Progress Audit System (APAS) reports from their previous time at Morris, and correspondence that defines requirements to be completed will be honored and reasonable effort will be made to allow those students to graduate based on the agreement.

Precedents and business practice

  • On file, approved Scholastic Committee petitions may be used as a guideline for granting similar requests that allow students to complete degree requirements using expired General Education.

Reason for Policy

The policy states expectations and assurances for students whose Morris academic career is interrupted before completing the degree under the catalog in effect their first term and year at Morris. Exceptions can be made with approved Scholastic Committee petitions.


Primary Contact(s) Marcus Muller 320-589-6011 [email protected]
Janet Ericksen - Dean’s Office 320-589-6015 [email protected]
Responsible Individuals
Policy Owner Primary Contact
  • Director, Office of the Registrar
  • Marcus Muller
    Director, Office of the Registrar


There are no procedures associated with this policy.

Other Information

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long is the effective time period for each Morris catalog?

    Generally nine years.

  2. I am returning to Morris to complete my degree. The catalog that was in effect when I first started at Morris has not expired, but I am interested in completing major requirements in the current catalog. May I do so?

    Yes. Students may use the catalog in effect their first term and year at Morris if it has not expired OR any subsequent current catalog.


Inform students of policy.

Returning students should discuss remaining requirements with the Office of the Registrar.

Current students should discuss major requirements with their faculty advisers.

Review progress towards degree and update students on Major Requirements that must be met for completion of degree.

Related Information

Policy History

Campus Assembly May 2005